Search for remote learning - 47 results found

Flipped Learning

Flipped Learning Planning for flipped learning PlanFigure out which lesson, or series of lessons in particular you want to flip.Outline the key learning outcomes and concepts. RecordMake a video. Try to ensure that the video content utilises techniques to reduce cognitive load such as dual coding, particularly if you are recording a presentation. Independent Learning …

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Engaging Learners with Active Digital Learning

Active Digital Learning Ideas Learners should be engaged, active participants in their learning. When planning learning, educators should strive to involve, and engage, the learners – whether they are in front of them, or working remotely. The tools and applications on this page could be used to promote interactivity with learners during lessons. “Planning should …

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Our Lockdown Journey as ESO for Digital Learning

Guest Bloggers D Keenan and M Brough DCC

Our Lockdown Journey as ESO for Digital Learning By Meg Brough and Dave Keenan In January 2020 we gained the title ‘Education Support Officers for Digital Learning.’ After interview, it was decided we would job share for the duration of our secondment opportunity. We would each be allocated 2 days a week: one together, one …

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