Build an interactive advent calendar

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It’s Your Turn!

You can learn how to do this and add some customisation by watching the tutorials on this page!

There are few options for you and your learners which can all be found in the different sections below.  A brief overview of what’s available…

1. QUICK VERSION (Good for beginners)
Download a copy of the advent calendar template and ask your learners to work together, or individually, to complete it (Powerpoint, Google Slides and Keynote template included). 

2. BUILD IT YOURSELF… (Good for those who have used presentation software before)
Learners can create their own advent calendar using Google Slides, Powerpoint (desktop version) or Keynote

3. POWERPOINT ONLY – EXTRA FEATURE!… (Good for users who have used powerpoint desktop version – this one is a bit different! – Worth watching anyway :))

If you are using PowerPoint desktop version then you may want to have look at the extended version that makes use of the Section and Zoom features available in the software

We’d love to hear and see how you get on – please tweet/X us @digilearnscot 

QUICK VERSION – Good for beginners (or short on time!)

Editing our template (powerpoint example)

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BUILD IT YOURSELF – Good for those who have used presentation software before

Build With Powerpoint

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You can also check out the advent calendar build using the zoom and section features! Check out the video at the bottom of the page!

Useful information if you are using PowerPoint desktop….

If you click on PowerPoint slides and not the home button, you will notice that the slide moves on to the net day! In order to fix this, you can set your presentation to Kiosk mode.  To do this, go to: Slide Show > Set Up Slide Show > select Browsed at kiosk (full screen)

Build With Google Slides

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Useful information if you are using Google Slides….

Google Slides does not have a kiosk mode function like Powerpoint.  In order to stop the presentation moving forward to the next day when you click on the slide, you need to add a large transparent rectangle over each slide and link it back to itself.  This video demonstrates the technique

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Build with Keynote

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Useful information if you are using Keynote

If you click on Keynote slides and not the home button, you will notice that the slide moves on to the next day! In order to fix this, you can set your presentation to links only mode.  To do this, go to the three dot menu > Settings > Presentation Type > Links Only

POWERPOINT ONLY – An alternative build using Sections and Zoom (It’s pretty cool!)

PowerPoint Zoom and Sections

If you are using PowerPoint on a laptop or desktop computer and feel comfortable with using it, this might be worth exploring! In this version we look as the Section and Zoom features in PowerPoint to create a slightly different advent calendar!

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Optional Starter Download

Here is an incomplete version of the Powerpoint Advent Calendar using Zoom and Sections you can use if you wish. It has 3 sections and a first page.

 Advent with PowerPoint zoom starter