Today I went to my mum’s work for my work experience. My mum works as a Product Support Team Leader at a Software Company called OLM Systems. We started by logging on to our laptop and met everyone who was already there. The first important job of the day……. getting coffee from the coffee shop.
We were in a meeting with my mum and they were going over the things they to do for the week. The meeting was over skype as Mat was based in Wales and Steve is at the main office in Teddington.
My mum works with software and if something goes wrong with someones laptop she will look at it and see what the problem is.
We’re just about to go for some lunch. Emily realy likes the chairs at my mum’s work because she keeps spinning on them.
We had a KFC for our lunch. Then we are going to get changed for the netball tournament. After or Before we get changed we are going to test some things.
Helped to review the skills matrix for the team. this is to make sure there are enough people to cover the products my mum’s team support.
Learnt about the product Life cycle. How software is developed , tested , released and supported.
Helped test some of the fixes to bugs in the software for the next release package.
We got to make a name up for the testing and my name was Princess Taloolabell Peper.
My mum’s boss Steve has asked us to write a article for the company magazine. We will work on this at home.