Ideology and Prejudice

During todays lecture we looked at how prejudice and discrimination can take place within our society. We discussed with our peers how prejudice can be seen in the modern world but also in history. It is important as future educators that we understand what prejudice is and why it occurs. As when people act on […]

During todays lecture we looked at how prejudice and discrimination can take place within our society. We discussed with our peers how prejudice can be seen in the modern world but also in history. It is important as future educators that we understand what prejudice is and why it occurs. As when people act on […]

Ideology and Prejudice

Todays lecture for me was the most insightful and educational input that we’ve had. We were taught what ideology and prejudice are and examples of these. I thought that the lecture was very relevant to todays society and is a topic that is prevalent in every day life – especially as a teacher. Before this … Continue reading Ideology and Prejudice

Todays lecture for me was the most insightful and educational input that we’ve had. We were taught what ideology and prejudice are and examples of these. I thought that the lecture was very relevant to todays society and is a topic that is prevalent in every day life – especially as a teacher. Before this lecture I think that I had a relatively good grasp of what the term prejudice meant and knew some examples of where I might see these. However, when the term ‘ideology’ was on the board, I was faced with a completely unfamiliar and new word. I learned that the correct meaning of prejudice is an unjustified or incorrect attitude towards an individual based solely on the individuals membership of a social group. I also learned that the correct and real meaning of ideology is an organised collection or body of ideas that reflects the beliefs, values and interests of a group, system, institution or nation. In general use, the term refers to the body of doctrine, myth and symbols held by the group that guides individual and group actions. I also learned that there was a link between prejudice and discrimination – someone can be prejudice towards a certain group but not discriminate against them – discrimination is acting about their thoughts whereas prejudice can be kept to oneself.

After the tutorial I feel that I can confidently speak about the 5 agents of socialisation – media, family, peers, education and technology. These 5 agents all contribute positively and negatively to society and on yourself. Our task was to discuss how each of these things impact us. We discussed how media often project false allegations and false information which can be interpreted by a naive mind to form an wrong interpretation of information which in turn, creates fallacious arguments and beliefs. Another agent that we discussed was famous and Mannheim – Sociology of knowledge. ‘The theory of generations’ – you ideology and belief systems are from the generations – whatever you have been taught from your parent, where they got theirs from etc and so views on race, sexuality and religion are often passed down the family – when in fact these views are now seen as very outdated as society has changed so much.

One concept that I did not understand fully in the tutorial or lecture was secularisation. I asked Laura for help and she gave me the example of catholics. I understood it to mean religion being adapted or used for non religious purposes for example, marriage in a church when the couple aren’t religious. I know that with this knowledge I could not confidently write and essay response on this topic and that I will need to explore it further in the library and online.

After todays lecture, I feel that I will be able to identify prejudice in a classroom and as a teacher I feel that this is essential to ensure equality.

Prejudice and Ideology

The first input for prejudice and ideology was very educational. I learned the difference between being prejudice and discrimination as before I could have easily gotten them confused with one another and was able to relate it to society and lifestyle. I learned that someone can be prejudiced towards a certain group but not discriminate … Continue reading Prejudice and Ideology

The first input for prejudice and ideology was very educational. I learned the difference between being prejudice and discrimination as before I could have easily gotten them confused with one another and was able to relate it to society and lifestyle. I learned that someone can be prejudiced towards a certain group but not discriminate against them. In the tutorial, I thought it was good how we thought of historical examples and linked them to the world today.

I learned that there are 5 agents which influence prejudice and ideology. These are Media, family, peers, education and technology. I know that they can influence and have an impact on our thoughts about certain subjects and areas. Answering questions about this during the tutorial helped me to further understand the meaning of prejudice and ideology.

One thing that I am not fully confident on is secularisation, however I will engage in further reading to deepen my understanding.

Ideology and Prejudice

This week’s lecture was about Ideology and Prejudice. Prior to the lecture, I felt I had a firm understanding of prejudice but was not confident in my understanding of ideology. […]

This week’s lecture was about Ideology and Prejudice. Prior to the lecture, I felt I had a firm understanding of prejudice but was not confident in my understanding of ideology. However, I now feel I have gained knowledge in both these concepts as well new concepts discussed in the lecture, tutorial and independent task. I learned that when a person acts on their prejudice it becomes discrimination, I found this interesting as it shows how prejudice and discrimination are linked but also very different. I also discovered that prejudices are often learned in childhood, from parents or others around us. Because of prejudices being learned in childhood, the person who has such prejucided views them as normal. I feel that it is important, as a future primary teacher, to exhibit a non-prejudiced attitude. By doing so, I hope this will have an impact on those I teach thus reducing prejudice amongst young children. I feel confident in my understanding of most concepts discussed, however, to prepare for the exam, I would like to study some concepts in more depth to further enhance my understanding.

Ideology and Prejudice

From today’s lecture and workshop’s i have learned that what is meant by ideology and prejudice in relation to society and lifestyle. When this topic was first introduced i didnt have much knowlege and felt uncertain with the terms ideology and prejudice. However, the lecture gave great examples and definitions of both terms and i […]

From today’s lecture and workshop’s i have learned that what is meant by ideology and prejudice in relation to society and lifestyle. When this topic was first introduced i didnt have much knowlege and felt uncertain with the terms ideology and prejudice. However, the lecture gave great examples and definitions of both terms and i now have a deeper and thorough understanding.

I now understand that prejudice and ideology often can come from 5 agents of sociliastion which are media, technology, family, peers and education. I undertstand that they can have an impact on our thoughts and feelings toward certain subjects. I found it very useful that we were able to go over questions based on the 5 agents of socialisation in the tutorial. This again helped me to have a deeper understanding of the two concepts ideology and prejudice.

One thing i found challenging was the term secularisation. We had to tackle a question  in the tutroial which i found difficult. I will continue with further reading to further my understanding of this term.


Ideology and Prejudice

In todays input the terms ‘ideology’ and ‘prejudice’ became a lot more clearer as I now know the correct definitions and concepts of each. I can also identify the influences […]

In todays input the terms ‘ideology’ and ‘prejudice’ became a lot more clearer as I now know the correct definitions and concepts of each. I can also identify the influences that prejudice can have. The tutorial really helped me develop my understanding of this as I was able to note down each influence and a reason for each as to why they influence prejudice and in what ways they do so. For example the media can influence prejudice by showing biased news that people will believe and share this idea with other which will spread unrealistic news thats not particularly true.

I believe prejudice is a term used to describe an (negative) attitude towards a group of people or individuals and may include stereotypes however, it is never based upon facts. Prejudice takes place in society through various subjects such as sex, gender, race and disability as well as lots more. Similarly, ideology is our ideas and beliefs as well as our values and interests and can be involved in groups and people who take a role of this on. Ideology includes Worldview which is a set of beliefs that explains the world we live in we then share our ideas with others and make ideology. As well as this it is an idea that society provides human knowledge and it is our generation and environment that impacts this.

One main idea that stood out for me today was that prejudice and discrimination is not the same thing and how important it is not to get these mixed up. Prejudice is when people can have prejudice on other people without acting upon it where as discrimination is when people act upon a certain idea and discriminate against it such as women’s right to vote.

As a student teacher and future educator I believe we have an influence on prejudice. We must provide different opportunities and idea in the classroom and accept everyones beliefs. We must have an open mind when working with learners to allow them to see and understand the different beliefs and ideas people have on society.

When it came to discussing the different theories I became a bit confused and overwhelmed. I understand what each one is but will need to look further into it to gain a better insight and understanding. Mannheim’s Theory of Generation believes that our ideology is determined by our family members of past generations. I also agree with this belief that our ideas have been told and influenced by the people around us ann the environment we live in. Karl Marx believes that the more social class rules the lower class and controls the beliefs and ideas of these people.

In conclusion, from todays input I have gained and furthered my knowledge on these two concepts however, to develop a deeper understanding I will complete further reading.



Prejudice and Ideology

On March 6th we looked at Prejudice and Ideology. I found this to be very interesting and I feel like I learned a lot today from the lecture, the independent task and the tutorial. I learned the difference between prejudice and discrimination.  I learned what sub cultures are and the vast amount of groups that … Continue reading Prejudice and Ideology

On March 6th we looked at Prejudice and Ideology. I found this to be very interesting and I feel like I learned a lot today from the lecture, the independent task and the tutorial. I learned the difference between prejudice and discrimination.  I learned what sub cultures are and the vast amount of groups that this covers. I learned simply what prejudice is and what Ideology involves. I feel that I do understand the main concepts from today as I was able to follow majority of what was being said and I was able to contribute a lot to the discussions we were having. I feel that I need to look back on certain areas today that I felt I didn’t fully understand like the term secularisation and just other terms I could do with knowing better. My knowledge as a result of today has improved greatly in the areas we discussed however I feel like I could do with bolstering my knowledge.  What I have learned helped me understand how prejudice impacts on both micro and macro worlds. One example is that your family can impact on how you view things while considering the micro world. In terms of the macro world the media can influence our prejudices based on what they write.

Prejudice and Ideology

Today inputs where focused around Prejudice and Ideology. Before today I had a vague understanding of this topic, but during the lecture and tutorial I was able to greatly advanced my knowledge of prejudice and ideology, and the factors that underpins these topics. I was able to consolidate my understanding of the definitions ‘prejudice’ and … Continue reading Prejudice and Ideology

Today inputs where focused around Prejudice and Ideology. Before today I had a vague understanding of this topic, but during the lecture and tutorial I was able to greatly advanced my knowledge of prejudice and ideology, and the factors that underpins these topics.

I was able to consolidate my understanding of the definitions ‘prejudice’ and ‘ideology’. ‘Prejudice’ can be defined as the attitude usually negative views, that involve prejudgements of negative feelings and stereotypes that is held towards a group or individual.  Likewise, ‘ideology’ can signify an organised collection of ideas that reflect the beliefs/ attitudes of a group, system, nation and institution towards others. Both prejudice and ideological views are often influenced by the humans around us, groups, culture, religion and media. These influences can by segmented into sectors- Microworld and Macroworld.

·         Microworld- This is also known as personal knowledge, this encompasses the views, ideology and prejudice we acquire from our social circles, family, friends and peers.

·         Macroworld- This is the scope of people we have knowledge about but have no direct contact with such as celebrities, politicians, footballers and TV, which can influence what we believe. This is term is also known as public knowledge.

·         The term in-between microworld and macroworld is mesoworld.

Further to this I obtained understanding of theorist behind prejudice and the theory of social norms and conformity. Social norms are behaviours that citizens are expected to obey, which are cultural and socially accepted, social norms can vary amongst groups and nationalities, which are normally express through rules and laws. Conformity has a slightly different denotation, this is when an individual behaves in a certain way due to pressure from peers or groups, which can result in a possible punishment. There is numerous theorist involved in this facet of prejudice, for instance

·         Pettigrew (1959) states we can have prejudice views and ideas but we must always obey to the rules and laws in order not to cause discrimination.

·         Minard (1952) highlights that social norms influences prejudice which can progress to discrimination.

·         Rogers and Frantz (1962) denotes that prejudice can develop overtime and can change if we migrate to another.

Likewise, the main theorist of ideological views is Karl Marx we contribute that it is class that control views along with religious ideologies can control what people think. He believed that all knowledge and prejudice views are socially constructed.

It is important to bear in mind that prejudice and ideology interact forming agents of socialisation which are media, family, peers, education and technology which can subsequently greatly influence our views different parts of society.

Therefore, today I felt I learnt a breadth of new knowledge which is significant to the world we are part, it always important to keep an opened mind and views. I will definitely need to devote some reading in regards to this topic in order to gain a deep understanding of definitions, theorist and subsequently relate this information to possible exam questions.  

Society & Lifestyles Week 8

  In brief, what have I learned from the lecture, independent task and tutorial today? Please be specific. From today’s lecture, tutorial and independent task I have learned that there are many differences between both Prejudice and Discrimination as Prejudice is negative attitude that people have, which cause prejudgements and also involves a negative attitude … Continue reading Society & Lifestyles Week 8


  • In brief, what have I learned from the lecture, independent task and tutorial today? Please be specific.

From today’s lecture, tutorial and independent task I have learned that there are many differences between both Prejudice and Discrimination as Prejudice is negative attitude that people have, which cause prejudgements and also involves a negative attitude that causes stereotyped beliefs aimed towards a group or individual person. Whereas Discrimination is how we act upon or negative attitudes that usually as under the categories of race, age and sex.

  • Do I understand the main concepts and issues of the topics and areas I have learnt today? Where possible, how can I evidence this knowledge? Are there concepts and issues that I am struggling to comprehend? What can I do about that?

I don’t feel fully confident in the understanding of some of the main concepts and issues surrounding this topic I have learned today, such as  Securalisation, Conformity and Non Conformity. However in gaining a better understanding of this I will look at the further reading materials which surround this topic. After doing this to become more confident I will then progress onto pass paper questions which are related to this topic

  • How has my knowledge in this area developed/increased today? Are there specific areas that require particular improvement? How will I address that?

My knowledge in this area has been developed today through lecture notes and the independent task. This is because I was able to look up the main concepts, which were highlighted in todays lecture and tutorial. Thus allowing me to gain a better understanding of these topics.

  • If at all, how does what I have learnt today relate to my general understanding of how, prejudice as an example, impacts on your micro and macro world? Any possible career opportunities/aspirations as a future primary teacher on the things I have learnt today?

The topic I have learned today will relate to my general understanding of prejudice as it impacts both my micro and macro world. As micro world is how we are influenced by our peers, family and school whereas macro world is how we are influences by media, law, workplace and government. The things I have learned today is not to put opinions I am have into children’s minds as they may be influenced to agree with what I say even if it is not right. Such as prejudice I could give the wrong view in the class for teaching purposes and pupils may take this the wrong way and think what the teacher has said is correct.

  • Are there specific issues/areas of what I have learnt today that I want to improve? If so, what are they and what do I plan to do?

The areas in the topic I have learned today and would like to improve upon would be the concepts which I do not fully understand. Therefore I will be able to improve on with further research and also doing pass paper question to see if I fully understand the topic.

Prejudice and Ideology

For a reflection (PDP) on your learning today, please consider the following points.   In brief, what have I learned from the lecture, independent task and tutorial today? Please be specific.  Today has allowed me to learn about prejudice, discrimination, social norms, conformity and non- conformity, ideology and secularisation. This has given me a more … Continue reading Prejudice and Ideology

For a reflection (PDP) on your learning today, please consider the following points.


  1. In brief, what have I learned from the lecture, independent task and tutorial today? Please be specific.  Today has allowed me to learn about prejudice, discrimination, social norms, conformity and non- conformity, ideology and secularisation. This has given me a more in depth definition of each one and has allowed me to relate these topics to society through use off examples.
  2. Do I understand the main concepts and issues of the topics and areas I have learnt today? Where possible, how can I evidence this knowledge? I feel that I understand most of the concepts and issues that were taught today but I feel that I am still struggling with the topic of secularisation because I don’t believe that it really affects me as a person. In order to improve my knowledge of secularisation I think that I have to research more examples of this in society and possibly look for a definition that allows me to make sense of this particular topic.
  3. How has my knowledge in this area developed/increased today?   Are there specific areas that require particular improvement?  How will I address that? Today has allowed me to understand the differences in prejudice and discrimination.  I now know that discrimination is taking action on your prejudice.
  4. If at all, how does what I have learnt today relate to my general understanding of how, prejudice as an example, impacts on your micro and macro world? Any possible career opportunities/aspirations as a future primary teacher on the things I have learnt today? I can understand that discrimination in the world effects people negatively, when it could be seen as completely unnecessary. For example, discriminating someone due to their ethnicity is unneccesary because we are all human and we are all the same, your skin colour does not determine what kind of person you are. As an aspiring primary teacher I would love to be able to teach this topic to children to broaden their knowledge and to look at society in a non- stereotypical way.


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