Situated Communication Feedback Independent Study 16/10/17

My partner and I both agreed that the teacher had effective positive verbal communication skills such as speaking at an adequate volume at an appropriate pace whilst enunciating his words clearly at all times to ensure pupils could understand their teacher throughout the lesson. We, however, also both noticed that his non-verbal communication was not […]

My partner and I both agreed that the teacher had effective positive verbal communication skills such as speaking at an adequate volume at an appropriate pace whilst enunciating his words clearly at all times to ensure pupils could understand their teacher throughout the lesson. We, however, also both noticed that his non-verbal communication was not so satisfying. The teacher remained seated during the majority of this particular lesson meaning he wasn’t particularly showing authority or grabbing his pupils’ attention informing them where they should be focusing. At one point, the teacher even posed with his arms crossed projecting a dismissive, unapproachable vibe and used finger pointing as opposed to open hand gestures creating a similar atmosphere.

My partner’s observation was unsurprising due to it being so similar to mine whereas the video shocked me more. It highlighted the true importance of reflection and the many advantages that come with observation such as looking back on videos and being able to identify any changes that need to be made.

Observing this teacher was relatively easy as I was able to pause, rewind and re-watch the video as many times as necessary. I recognise, however, that observing others in real life will be more challenging as I will have to remain fully focused at all times to ensure no vital information is missed.

One idea I would like to remember whilst myself teaching at placement is how noticeable body language is and how important it is to make sure not to forget what my body language at all times is conveying. If I can notice an individual’s negative body language signs in a short video, my pupils will be able to notice any negative non-verbal communication I am portraying throughout the day.

Overall, I am excited to begin placement and learn and improve everyday. I also feel nervous but look forward to the challenges I will face and hurdles I will overcome.

Self- Evaluation Task

Firstly, while comparing my observation checklist with my partners I noticed we had similar views on the areas of strength shown by the teacher and the areas that could be […]

Firstly, while comparing my observation checklist with my partners I noticed we had similar views on the areas of strength shown by the teacher and the areas that could be improved. Although, something that surprised me while watching the videos is how often we may not recognise how our pupils are responding to our lessons until we receive feedback. I found it interesting that one teacher regularly recorder her lessons so she could easily identify the methods of teaching her students responded to and the methods they didn’t.

After watching the videos, I feel I gained vital knowledge into the importance of feedback and self-evaluation during my teaching career. It is clear the only way we can truly improve our practice is if we reflect on our areas of strengths and work to improve our areas of weakness. If all we are told for feedback is that our work is satisfactory we can never develop and improve as we feel what we are doing is adequate. Bill Gates Ted Talk spoke on how studies have shown that countries who result in the best academic performance provide their teachers with feedback. Thus, this allows teachers to constantly improve throughout their career, resulting in their learners being provided with the best education.

While the videos spoke on the importance of self-evaluation, they also stressed the importance of feedback from our peers / mentors through peer observation. Peer observation provides teachers with an insight into how our teaching methods are being received from a learner point of view and allows us to see which teaching methods are is effective for learners and which methods they interact with best. However, while peer observation and feedback is important, how we receive feedback from others is vital if we are to develop our practice. It is vital to remember to always receive feedback constructively and look at it as a positive way to improve so we can go on to provide our learners with better education. Therefore, when we provide feedback for our peers, which we will experience during placement, it is important to remember to always give constructive feedback and while we should give our peers areas of improvement we should never judge.



Situated Communication Study Task – Feedback

My partner and I’s areas of strength and areas of improvement were very similar. We both believe that reflective practice is crucial to develop as professionals. Something that surprised me with the videos is that feedback can be positive not just negative which is much more encouraging as it allows us, as student teachers, to […]

My partner and I’s areas of strength and areas of improvement were very similar. We both believe that reflective practice is crucial to develop as professionals. Something that surprised me with the videos is that feedback can be positive not just negative which is much more encouraging as it allows us, as student teachers, to gain some self-confidence within ourselves but also realise we are still learning and nothing can ever be perfect. With the first video I believe that Sue Cowley gave the teacher areas for development in a supportive way making the teacher feel more relaxed and able to take the feedback on board. My partner and I believe the practitioner took his criticisms well and seemed willing to work on his areas for development. This may be due to the mentor and the practitioner having a good relationship which is something that was discussed in the videos.

I found these tasks quite challenging as giving critical feedback is something that does not come easy to me. However, as I progress through the course this should become much easier. Feedback should be fair and constructive and this was mentioned in all the videos.

Something I will take on board is that videoing yourself doing lessons is something that can benefit me as a teacher as it gives a sense of reality. It will allow me to reflect on my lessons and critique on things I did well and why I think it went well but also see my areas of development that may have been discussed by other peers or mentors.

I am looking forward to my placement and being in a school environment as a student teacher. It will allow me to further develop my knowledge and will be more aware of my areas of development moving forward.

Situated Communication Task – independent Study task 16th October

Once I had done these tasks I partnered up with Rachael to discuss our notes. Our notes on the strengths and areas for improvement were very similar, we both caught on to the fact that the teacher crouched over quite a lot while teaching and talking with the children. This is quite a negative body … Continue reading Situated Communication Task – independent Study task 16th October

Once I had done these tasks I partnered up with Rachael to discuss our notes. Our notes on the strengths and areas for improvement were very similar, we both caught on to the fact that the teacher crouched over quite a lot while teaching and talking with the children. This is quite a negative body language and doesn’t show that he is engaged in what they are saying and looks unprofessional.

I found it surprising that teachers regularly video their lessons. I have never seen or heard of this happening before. It was also surprising how much doing this helped the teacher to know what they needed to improve on and for them to quickly do so.  I did not find my partners observations surprising as we both had similar responses to the tasks that had been set.

I found the tasks that were set reasonably difficult but manageable. I was able to do the tasks but they required some thought and discussion to look deeper into what the messages being conveyed were saying.

The difference between feedback and judgement is that feedback is pointing out the good and the bad things but with a constructive side to it, so any negative feedback given is given in a way to help the person improve. Whereas judgement is just pointing out the negative in a way to hurt or bring down the person instead of helping them.

If I was to take one idea from this task to placement I would take the idea of allowing a class to have discussions between themselves but only in a controlled environment and when I feel as though the class is calm and concentrated enough to do so. When I go into teaching lessons I would consider recording some of my lessons to self evaluate my own teaching styles and the things I need to improve on.

I am feeling very nervous to start placement but at the same time excited to get to observe the teacher teaching and getting to interact with the pupils.

Feedback Study Task

The notes Rebecca and I made were very closely aligned as we both agreed on certain strengths and areas for development for the teacher and nothing she’d written surprised me. We both thought that all members of the classroom could … Continue reading

The notes Rebecca and I made were very closely aligned as we both agreed on certain strengths and areas for development for the teacher and nothing she’d written surprised me. We both thought that all members of the classroom could see and hear the teacher from the first video which is a crucial factor for a successful lesson. However we both felt that the teacher had the tendency to ramble which could result in the children losing focus. Also we agreed that occasionally his body language was closed off by folding his arms for example.

Something that surprised me from the videos was the clip Bill Gates showed in the final video of the teacher who records all her lessons. The effectiveness of this task surprised me a little as I thought the children may find it distracting or off-putting to constantly be getting filmed. It also seems a rather time consuming technique.

I found these tasks relatively easy as I was under little-to-no pressure to spot everything the first time around. I could pause, rewind, and rewatch the videos to find and development my answers to evaluation points. Completing this task on placement will likely be much harder as it is only one-take and there is a lot to be observing and evaluating at the same time.

One idea I would like to hang on to from these tasks for the forthcoming placement is the use of positive body language. This is because if I display negative body language I could become unapproachable in the classroom.

I’m feeling rather nervous ahead of my placement as I really want to do well. However, I am also extremely excited for the experience and the challenge and hope to develop some great bonds with the pupils and staff at the school.

Situated Communication Study Task – Feedback

Whilst working alongside my partner Lisa, from the video we found that our notes were very similar. Whilst comparing notes with each other, we found that the pace and volume that the teacher was speaking was age appropriate for his class. However, from the video, we observed that he was sitting down and due to … Continue reading Situated Communication Study Task – Feedback

Whilst working alongside my partner Lisa, from the video we found that our notes were very similar. Whilst comparing notes with each other, we found that the pace and volume that the teacher was speaking was age appropriate for his class. However, from the video, we observed that he was sitting down and due to this body language, there was a lack of attention from the class. From this, we discussed that he should stand up and this will provide him with a more authorative persona. Despite his body language, we agreed that he displayed very good eye-contact with the children. From this video, we realised the importance of reflecting and receiving feedback on your practice.

My notes were very closely aligned to my partners. In the video, I was shocked at how relaxed the classroom environment was, from this, I think this is a contributing factor to why the children were not giving the teacher a lot of attention. Whilst conducting these tasks, I did not struggle. I enjoyed watching the videos as it will help me with my own practice. I am clear upon the differences of feedback and judgement.

From the task, I will take feedback constructively and use this to work upon my own practice. I am very excited to start placement, I am looking forward to help children in their learning journey. I have always had positive experiences whilst being on placement and I am looking forward to being one step closer to being a teacher.

Reference List:

TED Talks Education (2013) BILL GATES: Teachers need real feedback[Online] Available at:

Behaviour2Learn (2011) Behaving With Cowley – Classroom Routines[Online] Available at:

EDCHAT (2013) Relationships for Learning – Effective Feedback [Online] Available at:

BA 1 Situated Communication Feedback 16.10.17

The notes on the strengths and areas of improvement with my partner, for the practitioner were very similar. It is very important to show positive body language as children can feed off negativity. In addition to this, it is vital … Continue reading

The notes on the strengths and areas of improvement with my partner, for the practitioner were very similar. It is very important to show positive body language as children can feed off negativity. In addition to this, it is vital  to speak loud and clear but not too loud that it comes across as shouting. Tone and variation of tone are also very important, as it can affect a child’s learning by the way you speak to them. For example, if you have a dismissive tone, it may stop them from participating or answering questions in class. In this task, I found it hard to be critical of someone else, but writing areas of strength was easier to do. However, I think that reflective feedback is essential as it helps you move forward and improve your skills. It’s also effective to hear not only the areas of improvement, but also the positive areas of feedback which can boost your self-confidence. One idea I’d like to take forward on placement is to use positive body language, as negative body language can make you unapproachable in a classroom. I am feeling a bit nervous about placement as I really want to do well, and think it will be difficult to remember everything I’ve learned so far on the course and apply that knowledge. On the other hand, I am really looking forward to it, as I think it will be a great experience. I can also use the knowledge I have learned so far from the course on my placement.

Interdependence Learning Log Sustainable Development

Interdependence is known as the way two or more people and things depend on one another. As part of the topic we were able to go visit two different farms on week 1 that has a variety of differences on how the farms are run, making seeing both of these satisfying to see these. When … Continue reading Interdependence Learning Log Sustainable Development

Interdependence is known as the way two or more people and things depend on one another. As part of the topic we were able to go visit two different farms on week 1 that has a variety of differences on how the farms are run, making seeing both of these satisfying to see these. When teaching this topic at any age group going on a visit to a farm would be beneficial in the development of pupils knowledge on interdependence. Many places offer education professionals a range of resources, helping the planning and assessing of this topic and trips  to farms.

However, week 2 was a more intellectual and required a lot of knowledge from different academic readings, and websites given to us to help further our learning. Through doing these readings this has helped me develop many skills such as analysing texts and use of different resources as this is something I tend to find challenging. For our independent task we were to work in groups and make piktocharts informing us of the sustainability of fishing. Working in groups was to help us communicate with one another developing our social skills, as becoming teachers requires working with staff and colleagues happens on a daily basis. Everyone within the group took a topic to research and analysis before bringing together our information, meaning each individual had the opportunity to build on their analysing skills. Due to this task it has help me understand the areas where I am struggling but also how some of my skills are improving.

Situated Communication Study Task – Feedback

After watching the video with my partner Julia, we compared our notes which were closely aligned. We observed that the teacher spoke at a suitable volume and pace while using language appropriate to the age and stage of children in the group. We recorded areas of improvement, he struggled to get the class’ attention and …

Continue reading “Situated Communication Study Task – Feedback”

After watching the video with my partner Julia, we compared our notes which were closely aligned. We observed that the teacher spoke at a suitable volume and pace while using language appropriate to the age and stage of children in the group. We recorded areas of improvement, he struggled to get the class’ attention and lacked positive body language; this could be improved by standing up demonstrating more authority over the class. The teacher therefore has areas of improvement in the non-verbal communication category although he did maintain eye contact with pupils. We both realised how important it is to reflect on personal and peers teaching practice as you can improve from watching back on yourself.

I was surprised that in the video the teacher did not stand up, I felt this gave the class a more relaxed feel and this is possibly why he struggled to gain the children’s attention. My partner had the same notes about the body language of the teacher due to the lack of standing up therefore there was a lack of engagement with the class.

I did not find this study task difficult; I found the task very useful and interesting as the video was a practice to observe a fellow teacher in a classroom environment. I will take this experience of observation forward to placement which will assist personal reflection and peer observation.

I am clear about the difference between feedback and judgement. Feedback is the foundation of improving teaching skills and is more positive than negative. It consists of improvements and suggestions you can take on board to enhance your teaching. Judgement in my opinion is more critical and negative which can lead to the person receiving it having low self-esteem and possibly decreasing their confidence.

The suggestion that I would take from this task to my forthcoming placement would be to ensure that I take feedback constructively to progress my teaching practice and improve my skills.

I am looking forward to placement as I enjoy being in a classroom environment. I have had many positive experiences in schools which I have helped in and all the teachers are very appreciative of assistance. I am looking forward to observing a variety of various aspects of teaching and observing lessons in a wide range of classes.

Reference List:

TED Talks Education (2013) BILL GATES: Teachers need real feedback[Online] Available at:

Behaviour2Learn (2011) Behaving With Cowley – Classroom Routines[Online] Available at:

EDCHAT (2013) Relationships for Learning – Effective Feedback [Online] Available at:

Sit Com- Independent Study

Both my notes and my partner notes that we took while observing the student teacher were similar. From observing the teacher, we were able to see that they make use of a loud clear voice to engage and address the whole class. He uses a varied range of tone and speaks at an appropriate pace …

Continue reading “Sit Com- Independent Study”

Both my notes and my partner notes that we took while observing the student teacher were similar. From observing the teacher, we were able to see that they make use of a loud clear voice to engage and address the whole class. He uses a varied range of tone and speaks at an appropriate pace when addressing the children. However, we both suggested that the teacher should stand up and move around the class more to be more involved in the lesson and allow himself to be more available to the children in the class. We also agreed that they should make more use of gestures to allow the children to better contribute to the lesson and use more positive body language so the children see him as approachable when they require help during a task.

While watching the video I was surprised that more teachers do not make use of recordings during their lessons as they have a great deal of advantages. This approach is seen as effective as it allows reflection to be made and points to specific areas where improvement can be made. A lot can be learned from the recording itself, as it offers a degree of reality as it is a source of visual feedback. I was surprised that my partner and I were able to identify similar strengths and areas for improvement for the teacher which showed that these areas were noticeable for both of us.

I didn’t find the tasks very challenging as me and my partner managed to identify notes and observations that had a great deal of similarity so it made the tasks easier to complete as we were on the same page.

I believe that I am clear about the difference between feedback and judgement. Feedback is normally given in a positive nature and allows for improvement to be made. Constructive criticism can be given by pointing out the strengths of the individual as well as what needs to be improved upon. This is beneficial as it encourages the individual in the right direction while also building their confidence as they are aware of their strengths. Whereas judgement is of a negative nature and is based solely on criticism which doesn’t allow for progress or improvement to be made.

If I could take one idea to placement with me from these tasks it would be the importance of giving and receiving feedback in order to allow for progress and improvement being made. During placement, it is essential to give your partner detailed feedback which will allow them to grow and improve on their skills while also providing information on their strengths which therefore will help build their self-esteem as they know they are doing a good job.

I am quite nervous about the upcoming placement as it is a daunting experience however I am also excited as I will be able to gain a lot of insight and knowledge from observing teachers in action. The placement is an important part of the year and I want to make the most of the experience. I hope that my partner and I are able to work well together and allow for effective feedback to be given to help us both identify our strengths and the areas in which we could improve upon.

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