Tag Archives: Film

Global Rights Partnership With Palestine

Some Scottish schools have connected with schools in Palestine to explore the UNCRC. Palestine was chosen as it was identified by the UN as an area of priority regarding children’s rights St Michael’s Primary in Dumbarton paired with Rawdat El Zahur primary in East Jerusalem. A cultural programme has been agreed where children demonstrate and learn each other’s traditional dance, exchange information about local heroes and develop a shared playground charter based on the UNCRC.

In January, Our Lady and St Patrick’s High School invited other schools to join then for a day of connected learning with Palestinian schools.

The Scottish/Palestine school link is coordinated in a partnership between Scottish and Palestinian schools, the British Council and Scottish Friends of Palestine.

To find out more about the project contact:
British Council Connecting Classrooms: schoolsonline.britishcouncil.org
Scottish Friends of Palestine: sfpeducationlink@gmail.com


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St John Bosco’s Primary School Film

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At St John Bosco Primary School the school illustrate their commitment to helping the wider community understand the rights of the child. They discuss rights based leaning being embedded in all school activities through the use of language and positive behaviours.

Children demonstrate their confidence and the support they have for each others opinions.

Newark Primary School Film

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Newark feature the steering group which helps support and direct the schools Rights Based Learning approach. They describe and demonstrate some of the global charity work they are becoming involved with to help develop understanding and support CRC in the wider context. They also discuss the Cluster based approach they have to supporting and developing the knowledge of rights and the difference they feel Rights Based Learning makes to their educational community.

Levenvale Primary School Film

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Pupil voice and the right to be listened to are demonstrated as the school start on their journey to inform their community about the CRC. The public speaking competition features several of the articles from the CRC and pupils describe them in a knowledgeable and informative way. Staff describe some of the ways they have supported pupil learning and understanding of their rights from lower to upper school.

Glenburn School Film

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As a school supporting children with additional needs Glenburn are extremely proactive in helping all pupils’ access knowledge about their rights. They describe inclusive approaches using differentiated materials. Rights based language has become an everyday part of school life. The pupils take us on a learning walk illustrating pupil voice and the choir sing the song they wrote about rights.