Anti-Bullying & Promoting Positive Behaviour

Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School is a community of love, service and learning where all are welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live a good life which reflects the teaching and example of Jesus. All children are entitled to learn and play in an environment in which they feel safe, respected and valued and are free from all forms of abuse, bullying or discrimination. These rights extend to the adult members of our school community.

Bullying behaviour is never acceptable and will never be tolerated in Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School.

Please click below to read our Anti Bullying Policy.

Anti Bullying Policy OLOR Master

When bullying behaviour occurs in Our Lady of the Rosary, respecting the rights of all children involved is of paramount importance. We aims to establish a culture of mutual respect and understanding and will promptly address the needs of those bullied, as well as the bully, within a framework of respect, responsibility, support and resolution:

  1. OLR will take all bullying behaviour seriously
  2. A member of the Senior Leadership Team will carry out a full investigation
  3. OLR will work with the young person who is being bullied to help them feel safe and find solutions to the bullying behaviour
  4. A ‘first offence’ of a minor nature (for example, name-calling) will be challenged and the child will be made aware that this behaviour is unacceptable. It will be made clear to the child that any further incidents will be formally recorded
  5. A member of the Senior Leadership Team will inform the parents/carers of any child who is being bullied
  6. A member of the Senior Leadership Team will inform the parents/carers of any young person who is displaying bullying behaviour to support and encourage the pupil to modify their behaviour
  7. OLR will record all incidents of bullying behaviour in line with local authority and national guidelines
  8. OLR will work with those displaying bullying behaviour to help them change their behaviour
  9. Where appropriate, OLR will work with both parties to help reconcile relationships through Peer Mediation
  10. A member of the Senior Leadership Team will monitor recorded incidents to ensure patterns of behaviour are promptly recognised and appropriate measures put in place to address these