School Priorities 2023 – 2024

  1. Raising Attainment
    1. Raise attainment in Literacy and Numeracy through increased teacher engagement and confidence in analysing data, individuals, class, and school level.
    2. Raise attainment in writing across the school, to meet learner’s needs and reduce the gender gap; continuing to improve learning and engagement and consistency in the quality of teaching across the stages.
  2. Learning and Teaching
    1. Glasgow’s Pedagogy – All Learners, All Achieving
    2. Making Thinking Visible
    3. Differentiation
  1. Expressive Arts
    1. Create Resources and Framework
    2. Borders Art Pack
    3. Digital Creativity
  2. Developing in Faith Focus
    1. New First Holy Communion Resources
    2. Laudato Si – embed in school (committee/Learning Community Focus)
    3. Restore First Friday Mass and class Prayer Service.