
Seesaw is a platform for student engagement.

We use Seesaw in three ways in OLR.

One –  Homework 

Keeping in line with our vision of Learning for a better world, we encourage the children to reduce and recycle and we feel it is important to do our bit too.  Traditionally homework would be sent home via paper copies.  This would equate to hundreds of sheets of paper being sent home, per week,  over 14 classes.   As a staff we have unanimously decided to keep Seesaw for homework purposes.   Children’s homework will appear on their Learning Journal in the Activities Tab.  Children will complete homework and this will send to their teacher’s account.  If you have more than one child, you must log in and out to see each child’s work and to respond to tasks.  While we understand that this could be frustrating not being able to complete homework at the one time, we have reviewed our homework policy and homework will be purposeful and short.  Ensuring that children won’t be spending a lot of time sitting at the screen to complete tasks.  Some work can even be completed in jotters and a photo can be taken and uploaded when the task is complete.  Your child will be issued with a QR code that they can scan each time they need to login.

Two – Learning Journals

Children will continue to use Seesaw for Learning Journals.  Your children will have an assessment folder on Seesaw and any assessment pieces that your child or teacher selects will be placed in here.  Children will set targets at the beginning of each term and these will be uploaded to their journals to provide you with an insight into what they are working towards.  Work will then be selected to show how these targets have progressed over the term.  All assessments are discussed with children prior to being sent home.  We encourage children and adults at home to discuss their assessment pieces and for the children and adults to leave positive comments on their work.

Three – Classroom Learning

We live in a digitally enhancing world, where it has become easier to share with parents an insight into classroom life.  We believe in creating strong home-school-links with parents and one way in which we strive to do this is to provide our teachers with time to upload pictures of your children enjoying their day at school.  Sometimes they might share a piece of work that your child is particularly proud of, or some group photographs from Outdoor learning.  We hope that this provides you with a link to your child’s life in school – as we are aware how often children ‘forget’ what they have been learning as soon as they leave school.

Why Seesaw?

Teachers can empower students to create, reflect, share, and collaborate via Seesaw.

Students “show what they know” using photos, videos, drawings, text, PDFs, and links.

It’s simple to get student work in one place and share with families, and nothing is shared without teacher approval.

You will be able to view assessments and work that your child is proud of.

Seesaw for your child will include all of their classmates and parents.

Only YOU can see your child’s individual photograph or work.

Group work or group photographs can be sent to multiple parents/carers at once.

Families use the Seesaw Family app to view children’s work – To set this up scan the QR code sent home. You can download this onto any mobile phone or tablet.

Children use the Seesaw Class app to respond to homework – To set this up login with your child’s unique 12 digit code.

Click below to watch the video on Seesaw for families. – This app allows families to look at what the teacher posts and to send messages to the teacher.

Click below to watch the video on Seesaw for the Class app – This is what the children will use to complete their work.

Frequent Questions

What can families see?

Families can view the work posted in their own child’s journal. Families do not see the work of anyone else in the class.

If a teacher shares a photo with 5 families – all five can see the same photograph.

How many family members can connect to a student?

10 family members can connect to each student

Can family members add another child to their account?

Yes, family members can connect up to 10 children. Families adding another child should sign in to their account, tap their profile icon, then choose +Add Child’s Journal.

Can I view Seesaw in an other language?

Yes, from the Seesaw app you can select a language suitable to you.Is it Secure?

Yes, it meets all GCC protocols and is acceptable for school use.