McCrone – Mr Hagney

Primaries 4, 4/5, 5 and to a lesser extent 2b and 6a have been introduced to Gaelic over the past two terms.
We have been learning to greet someone, ask their name, how they are, their age and where they live and of course to reply. We have learned to count to 20 and the to name the days of the week.
We are currently learning colours and will begin a unit on the weather next.
This has been a first for the school and it has been a great to see how quickly the children can get to grips with the language.

For P.E. primary 1 have really enjoyedworking on Learning through Exploration. This involved learning to control a ball with hands and feet while sharing space. To throw and catch a beanbag on their own and with a partner. To aim and throw at a target and to travel on, off and under benches and mats.
These activities are designed to give the children fun opportunities to develop their spatial awareness and coordination.

Primaries 2, 3 and 4 have been working hard on first level experiences and outcomes in gymnastics.
By focusing on a number of skills such as; rotation, balancing, jumping, inversion and sequencing the children have developed ways to match these to actions and create movement patterns and sequences.

Primaries 5, 6 and 7 have been fully engaged in second level experiences and outcomes in gymnastics.
Here the learning focus has been on analysing sequences and giving feedback while developing their understanding of how they relate to their partner while working together.
Working to a set criteria the children have developed skills in group cooperation and sequencing as well as improving balance and fitness.