Financial Education

This year at The Rosary we have decided to work towards achieving Young Enterprise Scotland’s Financial Centre of Excellence Award. The aim of the award is to embed Financial Education across different areas of the curriculum, not just Maths, in order to help our children become financially responsibly and financially capable young people. As part of the award criteria we have to create a Financial Education vision statement which is to be shared with our parents and carers. Please find our statement below. Further updates on our journey will be shared with throughout the year.

Kind Regards,

Karen Simmons

(Financial Education Champion)

Financial Education Vision Statement for Our Lady of the Rosary Primary.

Our aim as we journey towards being a school of Financial Excellence is to embed  our school values of Honesty, Equity, Ambition & Love whilst ensuring  all pupils are financially capable and ready to contribute effectively to an ever-changing world.

Our Financial Education goal is that all children will be given the knowledge and skills necessary to develop a positive attitude towards money which, in turn, will lead to improved opportunities and a better quality of life for themselves and others.