What matters to you?

We would love to hear about what matters to you, and your child, so that we can try and make sure that their first few weeks in Primary 1are as enjoyable as they can be.  For example, is there something that we need to know about your child that will make them even happier.
You can click on the link and add it to the form


We would also love it if you could send a picture of your P1 star, with a little blurb about them (what they say about themselves) so that our amazing P1 teachers can get to know them a little better before they start in August.

These can be sent on Seesaw.  Details about how to access Seesaw will be shared with you on the induction.  If you need any further help accessing Seesaw for your child, please contact our Principal Teacher, Mrs Wilson – GW12gallagherleeann@glow.sch.uk