Dear Parent/Carer
School Lunches – Pre-Ordering – Meal Selection
Hopefully, you have already activated your ParentPay account. Click image below to take you to ParentPay website.

However, if you have not already done so, please do so as soon as possible. From Monday 7 February 2022 all lunches must be pre-ordered via ParentPay.
You will be able to order meals until 8am each morning or alternatively, you can order up to four weeks in advance. Meal selection should be available to you from Saturday 5 February 2022 on your ParentPay account.
A guidance note on how to pre order meals on ParentPay is attached here.
Please note that breakfast choices are not available to pre-order – only lunches.
If you have any queries, please contact the school office.
Kind regards, Colette Haddock