Fuel Zone Lunch menus

Please find attached copies of the new menu that will go live in the Fuel Zone from Tuesday 19 April 2022.  

You can download a copy here.


The new menu’s will be posted on the GCC website https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/fuelzone from the evening of Friday 1 April 2022.

Please continue to order lunches through ParentPay

Parental Involvement and Engagement Census

The annual Parental Involvement and Engagement (PIE) census has been launched to gather the views of Glasgow’s families to help shape and influence education policy and decision making.

The Scottish Government wants to improve and increase the ways in which parents, carers and families can work with teachers and partners to support their children and young people. We also want to increase the voice of parents and carers in leading improvements within schools.

To achieve this ambition the Scottish Government, in partnership with local government, developed the Learning Together National Action Plan on Parental Involvement, Parental engagement, Family learning and Learning at home. The plan has a number of actions and goals designed to improve the support and information available to all parents.

In order to ensure that the Scottish Government and local authorities are meeting the commitments made in the National Action Plan it is important that we gather the opinions and feedback of parents to evaluate the progress we are making.

Due to the pandemic, the survey has not been carried out since 2019 so it is vitally important that we try to encourage as many of our parents and carers to take part in the census to make their views known.

Here is the link to all the information and the survey on the council webpages https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=17870 along with a QR code that will direct families to the questions.

It will not take long to fill in and Kathryn Farrow, QIO for parent partnerships, has been able to secure extra funding to be given to the Parent Council in the three schools that achieve highest participation rates – so that’s an added incentive to get more engagement in your school.