Vision, Values & Aims

At Caldercuilt Primary School and Nursery our current vision is to provide a happy, welcoming, safe, inclusive and stimulating learning environment for children, families and staff. We have mutual trust and respect for one another. We provide opportunities within the curriculum that promotes skills for life on our journey to excellence. We are a caring school and we thrive on developing co-operative, independent learners who are able to achieve their potential socially and academically in preparation for life and work.  We aim to promote everyone’s rights and seek to promote equity for all stakeholders in the school; including pupils, staff, and parents. We aim for the community to work together in enterprising ways to develop our children’s skills, experiences, celebrate diversity and raise attainment.

We strive to create an ethos for our school through our core school and nursery values:

  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Responsibility
  • Co-operation


Staff, parents and pupils will work together to achieve our vision, values and aims by:

  • Providing a school that is accessible for all who use it, where children are secure and happy.
  • Having effective procedures in place which promote the health and wellbeing.
  • Ensuring the ethos of our school and nursery facilitates and fosters positive relationships and partnership for the benefit of the child.
  • Following local and national guidelines, provide a curriculum which has breadth and balance across the key subjects, offering learning experiences which are responsive to children’s needs, interests and promote responsibility.
  • Creating opportunities for creativity, critical thinking, play and active learning.
  • Promoting our whole school and nursery nurturing approach and use of nurturing principles throughout every aspect of the school environment.
  • Providing learning experiences which enable children to learn and develop according to their needs, and provide the best possible support for our pupils who have been identified with Additional Support Needs.
  • Promoting an ethos through RRS which promotes children’s rights, mutual respect and self-discipline.
  • Promoting healthy lifestyles and principles of Learning for Sustainability.
  • Providing opportunities to celebrate pupil leadership, school achievements and wider achievements as well.
  • Working together to achieve the targets set in our School Improvement Plan
  • Making decisions about future developments.
  • Being supported by the Senior Leadership Team and encouraging Leadership and Empowerment at all levels.

Values and Aims

All staff, classes and the new School House System and Children’s Working Parties have these values at the forefront of what they do. They are regularly discussed and exemplified at our whole school assemblies and embedded in our Health and Wellbeing Curriculum and Promoting Positive Relationships Policy. We know that parents and carers view these as an integral part of what we do as a result of the number of references made to our values in our questionnaire returns.

Our Aspirations at Caldercuilt are to:

  1. Aim high and never give up.
  2. Respect everyone’s rights, belongings and property.
  3. Use kind hands, words and feet.
  4. Listen, show good manners and be considerate to others.

Our Motto is:

Believe it, Achieve it!