Primary 1 Enrolment
Education (School and Placing Information) (Scotland) Regulations 1981 Registration for Education
As you are aware the school P1 registration week takes place at the beginning of November each year. Therefore in line with the above regulations, I can confirm that this year’s P1 registration for those children due to start school in August 2022, will commence Monday 1 November until Friday 5 November 2021.
- Public Notifications advising parents of details will appear in the press on Thursday 7 October / Friday 8 October and then again on Thursday 28 and Friday 29 October just prior to enrolment week commencing.
- There is also a poster displayed in a prominent place within our Establishment where parents can access the details.
- The details of enrolment week will also be notified for parents via the Council’s social media platforms, Facebook and Twitter.
Following the success of parental P1 “online” enrolment over the past 4 years, the same central process will continue again this year with CBS Hub staff supporting this and liaising with Education Services throughout the process.
Click on link below for GCC Web page to access P1 on line application form:-
Please note due to a system update the online form will not be available until Monday 1st November 2021.
Any parents considering deferring their child, are advised to register them at their catchment school in the first instance until they receive confirmation of their application to defer entry to Primary 1
If you require any further information regarding P1 Enrolment processes at this stage, or have any questions in relation to this please contact CBS in the first instance on 0141 287 8000.
Primary 7 Transition
Education (School and Placing Information) (Scotland) Regulations 1981
Transfer Arrangements – Primary to Secondary Education August 2022
CBS Hub are now preparing the relevant P7 Transition Letters for posting out to parents on behalf of all Primary Schools. The letters will be issued to parents week commencing 11 October 2021
This will follow the same CBS support process as last year and where appropriate, parents will be asked to return their choice of secondary pro-forma directly to CBS Hub where the details will be collated.
Placing Request Applications
In addition to the above P7 transition forms, a parent who wishes to make an S1 placing request requires to complete an “online” Placing Request Application form.
Details of this can be found on GCC Web page “Schools and learning” “Placing Requests” –
Free School Transport to Secondary School
Only those children from within the catchment area for the chosen secondary school (according to their home address) will be entitled to apply for free school transport.
The current distance criteria for free school transport for secondary schools is for those living 2.2 miles or over from their home address to school. If parents think this applies to their child, then they can submit an application online for this.
Details can be found on GCC Web page “Schools and Learning” “Free School Transport” –
Should you require any further details in regard to the above P7 Transition process to Secondary School for August 2022, please contact the CBS Hub in the first instance – 0141 287 8000