Primary 1 New Entrants 2021-2022

Caldercuilt Primary School Primary 1:  Induction Booklet 2021-2022


Caldercuilt Primary School

101 Invershiel Road



G23 5NR

Tel: 0141 945 0633


Please keep up to date with our school twitter page for updates, events and information. (you do not need to be signed up to twitter to access our twitter site)

Caldercuilt Primary is a non denominational school with a roll of approximately 190 pupils, serving an area of mixed housing. We believe that we have a responsibility to provide our children with engaging learning opportunities in an environment which is safe, happy and nurturing, and we further believe that it is essential for effective learning and teaching that we build positive caring relationships towards our pupils, their families as well as our local communities.

At Caldercuilt Primary School we have an agreed set of values which you will see around our school and we will promote regularly in our weekly assemblies, classroom lessons and permeating through the ethos of our school. We aim to have all staff, pupils and members of our school community promote these values in the classroom and beyond.

Our values are:


We aim to provide a fun, secure learning environment to encourage each of our children to develop to their highest potential and to believe in themselves and others. We promote and celebrate positive behaviour and resilience. We enjoy working co-operatively with parents/carers to achieve success across every area of our curriculum and believe that a close partnership between home and school is essential. We hope you will enjoy getting to know us better and look forward to your child joining us at Caldercuilt Primary in August 2021.

This guide will help you understand how the school operates and will give you some specific information about starting school.

If there are any questions that we have not answered then please contact the school and we will be happy to help.

Key Dates and Hours

 Please note more information about start date, timings and arrangements for August 2021 entry will be issued when we have more guidance from the government regarding the return to school.

Scheduled start date for pupils at Caldercuilt Primary on Thursday 16th August 2021.

Caldercuilt PS School Hours

9.00am– 12.15pm: morning session

12.15pm– 1.00pm: lunch

1.00pm – 3.00pm: afternoon session

School lunch is free for all P1-P4 pupils and promotes healthy eating options. If you would rather provide a packed lunch a seating area is set aside for this. Every child may take a carton of milk regardless of whether or not they take a school lunch. If you wish any further details about the lunches available or any aspect of lunch provision including menus please contact the school or look at Fuel Zone:

Please be aware you can and should still fill in a Free School Meal and Clothing Grant application if you are entitled as this also determines provision of resources within our school for your child. The link below also is where you will find application forms for Clothing grants as well.

What Your Child Will Need to Bring to School

SCHOOL BAG: Your child will need a school bag to carry reading books, Homework activities, PE kit etc.

INDOOR SHOES:  All pupils must wear a pair of black indoor shoes (not trainers) as the classrooms and open areas in the school are carpeted and can be easily damaged/stained by outdoor shoes.  You can order these online throughout the year at:

We also run a pre-loved uniform stand in the school, where you may help yourself to any items of uniform you may need. This is in the foyer of the school.

PE KIT: On a PE day your child will need a t-shirt and shorts. We would recommend they keep this in school in a gym bag. You can then ask your child to bring the gym kit home for washing on a weekly basis.

Please note children should not wear jewellery to school on PE days.  If you are intending to have your child’s ears pierced this is best done during the beginning of the summer holidays so that children can heal and practice removing jewellery themselves. Unfortunately school staff are not allowed to remove pupil’s earrings and therefore it is best if parents remove these items on specified days.

In line with Glasgow City Council policy, pupils cannot wear football strips/tops to gym. Pupils should also not bring any other items to school which show football teams logos e.g. lunch boxes, pencil cases. All slogans must be age appropriate as well.

It is essential that parents please remember to put labels with your child’s name on all clothing, school bags, shoes, lunch boxes. This is a big job, but much worth it and will prevent items being lost or mixed up easily.

Lost property bins can be found in the foyer, however all lost property is eventually donated to charity/pre-loved uniform if not claimed at the end of each term.

WATER BOTTLES: Water coolers are provided throughout the school (Children are encouraged to bring water bottles with them as drinking water during the day is highly encouraged and keeps children refreshed and best able to learn).

Our School Uniform

The children in our school always look their best in our school uniform. It gives the children a sense of identity and pride in Caldercuilt Primary school. Uniforms support Cost of the School Day as there is no pressure to have the latest branded clothing items and it also means that when we are out of school on trips and visits every child is easily identified which helps us with the Health and Safety of all children as well. We do not allow non-uniform unless for a specified event, but again, if a child is without an item we have a uniform stand from which we gladly can provide if necessary.

Our school uniform is made up of a blue polo shirt and blue sweater/cardigan. Please see pictures below.


Grey trousers, grey skirt, grey pinafore, white shirt (if preferred to polo shirt) make up the rest of our school uniform. Children are also required to wear black gym shoes inside school at all times.  (We prefer children to wear black shoes rather than trainers to school).

School uniform is available to order from:

And we also have a small supply of school uniform available to buy from the school office.

Please remember it doesn’t just support your family to apply for entitlement of free school meals and clothing grants, it supports our Pupil Equity Fund (PEF) to acquire funding for a range of school resources.

Primary 7 Buddies

As you may be aware the school runs a “buddy” system to allow our new pupils to settle into school life.

New Primary 1 pupils will meet their buddies when they come to school.

When the children start P1 their buddies will be on hand to help them get used to being at school and be a friendly face in the new school environment.

The P7 Buddies operate on a rota system and every week a small group of them support the P1 children in the playground at playtimes and help them in the dinner hall at lunchtimes as well.

They will always seek the help of a supervising staff member and have training once a year for this important responsibility.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club starts at 8.00am and finishes at 8.45am.   Children can select from toast, cereal, milk and fruit juice at a daily charge of £2.  Children who are entitled to a free meal will receive their breakfast free of charge. Children at Breakfast Club will be supervised inside until 8.45 when the adult (Support for Learning Worker) starts to initiate their move into the playground. From 8.50am as a courtesy a Support for Learning Worker supervises the Playground. We would request if your child is not at breakfast club that you do not drop them off before 8.50am.

Playtimes and Lunchtimes

The children play in P1/2 playground at break and after eating their lunch at Lunchtime. The adults supervising are members of our Support Staff who ensure that children are kept safe while playing. They also have equipment to take out and play with which is regularly changed on a weekly basis. The Head Teacher, Depute Head and Principal teachers also make visits to the playground areas during breaks and lunches.

As well as having the Buddies to help them settle in, the children will have access to playground games. These games have been introduced to encourage positive play and are well used by all the children.

During playtimes children have access to toilet facilities and are encouraged to go before the bell rings, these are monitored by our Support Staff to ensure safety at all times.

We do believe at Caldercuilt that there is “No such thing as bad weather just bad clothing…” So if we can stay out we will, however, if, due to extreme weather conditions, children cannot go out to play they are supervised in their classrooms both by Wet Weather Helpers and Support Staff. The HT, DHT and PTs also supervise during wet weather.  We would ask that children always come to school dressed for the possibility of rain with appropriate shoes/wellies and a waterproof jacket with a hood. Umbrellas are not permitted in school for safety reasons as they can cause accidents.

Some children may find playtime a little daunting at first.  If your child is worried after the settling in period passes please do let us know so that we can best meet their needs.

Play Based Approaches in Primary 1

Children in primary 1 are given two formal outdoor playtimes everyday during break and during Lunchtime.

Within the classroom there are also many opportunities to engage in child led and teacher led or teacher initiated play. This play based approach has enabled us to focus in depth in Learning within the 3 main core curricular areas (English & Literacy, Health & Wellbeing, Maths and Numeracy). The Primary 1 classroom has different zones for play and these change throughout the year depending on the children’s interests.

There is at least 1 full 40 minute session of free flow play every day in P1 to allow children adequate time to experience depth in their play. This approach provides opportunity for spontaneous play and ensures the children are able to build creatively. Child-led play helps develop working collaboratively in groups, negotiating, sharing and resolving conflict. This approach also provides children with opportunities to make decisions; learn at their own pace; discover their own interests and engage fully in areas where they would like to advance and explore. The teacher’s role in free play is mainly to observe, they may interact in an encouraging way without giving direction and can intervene sensitively when necessary. Play encourages pupils to improve dialogue between one another and teaches them about the rights of the child to respect the space and play of others. It is vital that time should be taken at the end of each play session to reflect on the play as a class.

Play Time Snack

If you wish to give your child a snack at break we would ask that it is kept to one small, healthy item – the children do not have long outside and often find that they do not have time to finish what has been given to them. We are a health promoting school and we actively encourage the children to bring healthy snacks to school. Fizzy drinks, chewing gum are actively discouraged at school for health reasons. Nuts or products containing nuts are not permitted in school as we have some children with severe nut allergies.


As a parent you may wish to pass on information directly to the class teacher or to sort out any minor concerns. Your child’s class teacher will be happy to see you at the end of the school day. Please pop into the school office prior to 3.00pm and the arrangement will be made for you to speak with the class teacher when you are collecting your child or at a time of your convenience. we also have daily communication with parents through our Seesaw App, all codes will be issued during the first week of term.

The Head Teacher, Depute Head Teacher and Principal Teachers will also be available at home time. Primary 1 parents are given the opportunity to sign up for curriculum workshops in Term 1. At these workshops you will be able to learn more about how you can best support your child at home.

Absence and Illness

It is very important that the school is informed of any absence or illness as soon as possible.  If your child is sick or going to be absent from school for any reason please phone the absence line not the school: 0141 287 0039.

The system which currently operates, means that if you child is not in school by 9.30am and we have not been informed by the absence line, the school office will contact you by text or by telephone to confirm why your child is absent. Please give your child a note on his/her return to school confirming the reason for absence.

 What if my child becomes ill or has an accident?


In the first instance your child will be attended to by our support staff in the Medical Room and our qualified First Aider. If your child has had a bump on the head you will be informed by a telephone call /letter.


If your child is sick or becomes unwell during school, parents are contacted to decide the best course of action. For this reason it is vitally important that your emergency contact information is kept up to date and accurate.

In the case of serious accident or illness it may be necessary to take your child straight to the hospital. Parents/Carers would always be contacted straight away to advise them of this.

School Policies and Procedures

School policies and procedures can be found in the following ways:

  • Our School Handbook
  • Our School Website:
  • Glasgow City Council Website

Further information can be obtained at any time via twitter @caldercuilt or by contacting the school directly.


There are many different ways in which you can help your child to prepare for school. Many of the suggestions in the end of this booklet you will be familiar with. However, there may be some new ideas you can try. Encourage your child to do things independently, showing patience if they make mistakes. Every child is on their own journey in their own time.



Children settle into school easier if they can:

  • Go to the toilet and wash their hands
  • Use a knife and fork
  • Dress and undress him/herself
  • Do up own buttons and zips
  • Change shoes
  • Take off his/her coat, gloves and hat and hang them up
  • Tidy and clear away his/her toys
  • Use a tissue
  • Recognise his/her own clothing and name label
  • Share his/her toys and be prepared to take turns



Talk with your child, giving praise and encouragement whenever possible.  Ask about their day and about what they have been learning. When travelling, shopping, cooking and playing, talk with your child, making him/her aware of the world around him.


Encourage your child to listen and where possible give eye contact when you are talking and ask if he/she has understood what you have said. It is important that children should be able to listen to and follow instructions when starting school.


Another important part of reading is learning the alphabet and sounds. You can help by playing word games with your child such as “I spy with my little eye something beginning with……” or the ‘alphabet song.’

Getting Ready for Writing

Your child’s muscles are still developing at this stage and they need some help to develop the muscles for writing.  This can be achieved through colouring in books, cutting out simple shapes, playing with modelling clay, playing with beads, lacing cards, building with bricks and doing jigsaws.

Many drawing and painting activities will help your child when he/she starts writing in school. Let your child have a wide variety of pencils, crayons, chalks and felt tips and a large supply of paper.

Let your child draw and scribble as much as possible. You will be surprised how quickly your child will be able to draw a recognisable picture, mark make ideas and stories and then to ‘write’ their name. Let your child hold the pencil in the hand in which he/she feels most comfortable. Do not worry if it is an incorrect grip we work on our froggy grip in P1. All attempts at writing should be valued and encouraged.


Observation is an important skill which can be developed in young children. Encourage your child to observe street signs, place names; advertisements etc, this activity can often lead to spontaneous reading by young children.


Books will play a vital role in your child’s school life.

When looking at books with your child, talk about what is happening in the pictures, looking at people, animals, colours, shapes and sizes. As your child shows more interest, encourage them to tell you about it in their own words.

Helpful Hints for Looking at and Learning about Books

  1. Look at the cover and the title and ask your child what they think the book will be about.
  2. Look at and talk about the illustrations (pictures).
  3. Discuss what is happening in the story and ask your child if they can guess what will happen next.
  4. Ask your child if they enjoyed the story and why they liked it.

Nursery Rhymes

The ability to rhyme is vitally important to reading and spelling processes. Here are some you could sing with your child;

  • Humpty Dumpty
  • Jack and Jill
  • Three Blind Mice
  • Sing a song of Sixpence
  • Hickory Dickory Dock.
  • Mary had a Little Lamb
  • The Grand Old Duke of York
  • Little Bo Peep

You could play a rhyming game such as,

“I hear with my little ear something that rhymes with …man “


Children should be active every day. Help your child to develop gross motor skills by encouraging physical activity and movement.  Try some of these activities as they will support your child’s learning in Physical Education (P.E.):

  • A walk or run in the park
  • Throwing/catching/bouncing a ball
  • Playing at the swing park
  • Riding a bike or scooter
  • Skipping
  • Playing games with friends


There are many opportunities for getting ready for this in everyday life – in the home, park, at the shops. You can assist your child by helping to develop a simple vocabulary of number, size, shape and position using the following guidelines. The language of Maths is also featured in many well-known stories e.g. The 3 Bears, The Enormous Turnip.

Matching Games

Let your child help you lay the table, giving each person a knife, fork, spoon, etc.

Playing with dolls or teddies, let your child share his sweets or biscuits so they get the same.


Count with your child as he is playing with his toys, having a bath, going upstairs, getting dressed.

How Many?

Ask how many towels, sweets, cars, fingers.

Sing number rhymes with your child

E.g.: 10 green bottles

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I caught a fish alive.

One potato, two potato

There were 10 in the bed and the little one said “Roll over”

Five Little Ducks went swimming one day

Time – Today, tomorrow, yesterday, morning, afternoon, evening


Ask your child to put things in order of size. Discuss the size with your child using the words big/small, thin/thick, tall/short, narrow/wide.


Talk about before/after, in/out, up/down, over/under, first/last, back/front/side, behind/in front, next to/beside.

Make repeating patterns with coloured beads, buttons etc

1 red, 1 blue, 1 red, 1 blue 2 green, 2 yellow, 2 green, 2 yello

We hope this information is helpful to you. Thank you for your patience in taking the time to digest it all. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Welcome again to our Caldercuilt Family.