Like all schools across the globe, Bellahouston Academy has emerged through the challenges of the last few years looking forward to a brighter future. Session 2022-2023 was, therefore, an appropriate time to review our school’s vision, values and aims, and refresh these, so that they are relevant to the current opportunities and challenges our young people and their families will experience. Our vision, values and aims allow us to clarify exactly the kind of school we want to become, and the kind of young people we want to develop here at Bellahouston Academy.

• Our vision gives a clear statement describing the school community we aspire to be;

• Our values are the principles and standards that matter most to the people within our school community;

• Our aims are the outcomes and objectives we intend to work towards and achieve for those within our school community, particularly our young people and their families.

Our vision, values and aims should be visible in the classrooms, corridors and social spaces of our school every day. Everyone within our school community should be working towards the achievement of our vision on a daily basis. We should look to live by our values in the way we behave, the way we treat one another, and the way we engage positively with the education on offer at our school. Our aims should be reflected in our curriculum, our school policies and practices, our improvement priorities, our relationships and our ethos, our decision-making, and the ways in which we spend our budgets.


Vision, Values and Aims Context





Sketch-Notes Vision, Values and Aims



Vision, Values and Aims GIRFEC (1)



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