
The Faculty of Inclusion supports our pupils in maximising their learning potential and meeting the needs of all learners with Additional Support Needs. Our aim is to ensure that all pupils have a positive learning experience at Bellahouston Academy and that they are equipped with the skills to go on to positive pathways.

Our role is to provide support for all pupils particularly those with Additional Support Needs who experience barriers to learning. Our English as an Additional Language department works closely with our pupils who have English as an additional language using different teaching methods to allow these pupils to access the curriculum.  Both English as an Additional Language and Support For Learning staff work within departments in supporting the learning and teaching within the classroom.  In the Pupil Support Centre and the EAL department, we work with pupils in smaller groups and on an individual basis in order to meet the learning and social and emotional needs of a range of pupils.

Another focus of the Faculty of Inclusion is to promote a positive ethos throughout the school. Our teaching and support staff endeavour to build positive relationships with pupils and work alongside class teachers in promoting  positive behaviour in the classroom.   We will provide strategies to support pupils who are disengaged and we work with pupils in order to address behaviour issues.

Inclusion Policy 2024-25





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