Pupils in P5/6/7 recently took on the egg drop challenge as part of their STEM learning. They were asked to create a safe way to protect their egg whilst it was dropped from the top of the stairs to the bottom!
The pupils had great fun with this and created some wonderful designs-most of which were successful! There were mats on the floor…just in case.
We celebrated our P7’s time at primary school this afternoon. They performed their fabulous Shrek 5: The Return of Lord Farquaad, show for their family members and fellow pupils. We were lucky enough to have previous staff members present to see this celebration also.
We would like to thank Mr Dennis, Miss Stewart, Miss Dow and Mrs McIntosh for all of their hard work throughout the year.
Some of our young people have been making the most of their playtimes by exploring the garden and looking for wildlife. Mrs Simpson has been supporting their play to extend their experiences by providing challenges at lunchtimes
Thank you to everyone for the wonderful attendance at our recent shared start. It was lovely to have you all back to share the learning and achievements of our pupils in their classrooms. we hope you enjoyed it as much as the pupils did.
Thank you to all parents and carers who came to support our very successful and very soggy Sports Day. It was fabulous to have an adult inclusive celebration together at last-even if it was a little damp…
Congratulations to Illustrious for their Sports Day win!
Fantastic effort and attitudes throughout the afternoon from all of our young people.