September Newsletter 24/25

North Queensferry Parent Newsletter 

Respectful, Ambitious, Determined 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Please find important dates and information for term 1 and term 2.  

Important Dates 

Last day of school and nursery – Friday 4th October. 

Term 2 first day back – Monday 21st October. 

In-service Day (staff only in school and nursery) Friday 15th November. 

Christmas Jumper Day – Thursday 12th December. Donations to Mission Christmas. 

Last day of school and nursery, Friday 20th December 2024. 

Return to school and nursery, Monday 6th January 2025. 

Primary Shared Learning 

Wednesday 25th September at 9:15 – 10 am. 

Please come along to our drop-in session in the gym hall where we will share literacy learning. (P.1 and P.2 parents) 

Wednesday 23rd October at 2:15 pm. 

Harvest Festival – Tuesday 29th October at 9:30 – 10:20. We would appreciate donations of food items, such as cans and packets with a long shelf life. These items will be donated to Inverkeithing Foodbank.  

Nativity/Christmas Performances – Tuesday 10th December, 2pm – 2:55 pm and Thursday 12th December at 9:30 – 10:25. Finish times are approximate.  

Nursery Stay and Play 

Thursday 26th September at 2:30 pm – 3pm.  

Tuesday 29th September at 9 am – 9:30 am. 

Thursday 14th November at 2:30 pm – 3pm. 

Wednesday 27th November at 9 am – 9:30 am. 

Monday 9th December at 2:30 pm – 3pm. 

 Halloween Disco Wednesday 30th October 

Nursery – Primary 3, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm. 

P.4 – P7, 6:45 pm – 7:45 pm. 

Adult helpers needed. 

Parents Evening Meetings 

To prepare individual times for meetings with class teachers, letters were sent home recently. If you have not already done so, please return you preferences to the school office as soon as possible. 

Tuesday 5th November 15:30 – 17:30 or Wednesday 13th November, 17:00 – 19:00. 

Confirmation of date and time for your child will be sent home via letter. 

Christmas Fayre 

This year’s Christmas Fayre will take place on Saturday 30th November between 10 – 12. Donations for raffle prizes would be very gratefully received. 


We wish ‘Happy Retirement’ to Mrs Gillespie. We are sure she will enjoy time with her family after many years of service to Fife Council. We welcome two new members of staff. Mrs McLean joins us in the role of Nursery Teacher and Mrs Blacklaw joins our Pupil Support Team. We welcome them both. 

Sharing Information 

If you have information you need to share about your child, please either contact the office via email or phone or pass a note onto your child’s teacher. As I am sure you can appreciate, our priority is to get all children into class and ready to start their day and having on occasion, several conversations with parents delays this process. It also means teaching staff then have to relay information to the school office which in turn impacts learning and teaching time. Thank you for your understanding. 

Halloween costumes and Christmas jumpers 

As always, we welcome donations of school clothing, backpacks and winter coats and shoes/boots. We would also welcome any donations of Halloween costumes and Christmas jumpers. Please feel free to have a look at what we have to offer. Items are in the upstairs foyer of the main school building. All items are available free. 


Regular attendance at school is viewed as a key element of a successful education, providing pupils with learning opportunities and social interactions with peers. Public Health Scotland have produced a document that supports families in identifying guidance/regulations regarding illness and infection with information about when and how long a child should be absent from school or if a child needs to be absent from school at all. Please see the link below. 

Please contact the school office if your child will be absent from school or nursery. Thank you for your co-operation. 

P.E. Days 

Primary 1/ 2 – Wednesday and Friday 

Primary 3/4/5 – Wednesday and Thursday 

Primary 5/6/7 – Tuesday and Thursday 

Please ensure your child has gym kit to change into e.g. a t-shirt, shorts, leggings or joggers and suitable shoes/trainers to allow children to take part in P.E. activities safely. Our Cool School Uniform Shop has some P.E. items available for free. Children should have a water bottle for every day at school, but this is essential for P.E. days. A rain jacket or sweatshirt may be useful for our usual Scottish weather. If possible, keeping a P.E. kit at school is useful for any change of plan or opportunity your child may have to take part in this area of the curriculum.  



Donations for term 2 are £14. This money allows us to buy a variety of items for snack, encouraging independent skills in cutting, spreading etc. The donations also mean we can arrange to hire our local minibus and take the children further afield e.g. Aberdour beach. Without these donations, these trips will not be possible. 

Water Bottles 

Please do not bring water bottles to nursery. Children have unlimited access to water as we encourage independence in using crockery etc. 


We always welcome tissues, no matter the time of year. Thank you for your donations. 


As we move into the colder weather, please ensure your child has suitable waterproof clothing and footwear.  As always if there is anything you feel I may be able to help with, please do not hesitate to get in touch, telephone 01383 602425 or email at 


Kind regards 

Lee Waugh 


Respectful Ambitious Determined

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