Scottish Shared Start

Well done to all of our pupils who participated in the very well attended shared start to celebrate our Scottish song and poetry.

It is always wonderful for the the pupils to see the joy on adults faces as they share their learning in such a welcoming way.

P1/2/3 did a super rendition of The Jelly Piece Song, accompanied by Mr Morton on ukulele.

P3/4/5 did a super job ending the celebration with a rousing performance of Loch Lomond.

P5/6/7 sang a beautiful version of Wild Mountain Thyme which was sung with a lot of heart.

All pupils had been set the homework task of learning their Scots poems and performed them well individually or with year groups.

As always, we are incredibly proud of our young people and their enthusiasm. Well done everybody.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of our families at North Queensferry Primary. We hope you all had a relaxing but fun filled festive break.

This week we have loved hearing all the stories and experiences of the pupils as they return to begin term 3.  There is a lot of great learning to be had this term and we look forward to sharing these  opportunities with you all.