Tag: drone

Accessories to complement mobile devices in the classroom

MustHaveAccessoriesMust have accessories – a post on the excellent iTeach site which gives suggestions for accessories to complement the use of mobile devices in a classroom.

These accessory recommendations include a green screen for using with video-creation apps in order to make characters appear to be in different background scenes, or a mini-drone for programming to fly, a tripod kit which provides a mechanism to hold a tablet or smartphone mobile device for steadier filming(or to hold the device when using an app to present text in auto-cue fashion, or microphones for better audio recordings with a specific focus, a table-clamp stand to hold a tablet or smartphone mobile device for creating stop-motion animation films, and a clamp to hold a tablet or smartphone mobile device when using as a visualiser.

Though these recommendations from iTeach can be purchased through the iTeach site there are, of course, alternatives which can be purchased through a school’s normal suppliers.

What accessories would you use in your classroom to extend the use of tablet or smartphone mobile devices to better support learning and teaching?