Author: Miss Abercrombie

iDEA Award: recognising learner skills

What is it?

The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA, is an award programme which provides access to a range of free on-demand online courses. In completing courses from the wide range available they not only aim to support developing digital, enterprise and employability skills, the completion of the assessments built into each course provide the means to demonstrate the learner’s skills, and then give recognition for so doing. Read more

Glow: steps for staff users moving establishment or authority

At the end of each school year you may be moving from one establishment to another, or from one local authority in Scotland to another. You’ll want to be aware of how your move may change your access to your Glow account and actions you’ll need to take before the move.

The following guides may be helpful in taking the steps needed to ensure you keep access to what you need or everything moves as you wish!

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Microsoft: connectivity troubleshooting

Don’t panic – it happens with any online tool!

Every online platform hiccups from time to time: you might get error messages, things don’t update, you can’t upload files, you can’t share what you need to share – and you can probably add to that list!

And, of course, it happens when you are trying to do umpteen different things.

Take a breath….and don’t panic – it really can happen when you are using any online tool, to anybody, anywhere. So don’t rush to change platform or switch tool. There are a few steps to try to see what you can do, and sometimes it’s doing things a slightly different way.

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Remote Learning: advice and reflections

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

This is a saying which is believed to have originated from a famous Chinese proverb from the Dao De Jing ascribed to Laozi: every long journey, or difficult task begins with one first step.

Reflections from others

What can we learn from those who have taken first steps in remote learning, where teachers are supporting, encouraging and teaching their learners from a distance through the use of digital technology?

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