


Rinn sinn postairean agus sgriobh sinn bardachd comhla mu dheidhinn sinn fhein a chumal sabhailte ri taobh uisge.

We designed posters and wrote a class poem about keeping safe beside water.


Dubhlan a chiad mhinisteir

Tha sinn air a bhith gu math trang a’ leughadh ann a clas 3 gu 4. A h-uile seachdainn tha sinn a dol dhan leabharlann agus a tagadh leabhraichean. Tha sinn air torr leabhraichean eadar-dhealaichte a leughadh.

We have been very busy in P3-4 reading lots of books for the First Ministers Reading Challenge. We go to the library every week to choose books.


Oidhche shamhna

Rinn sinn dealbhan lion damhan-allaidh airson oidhche-shamhna le peant agus creidhean.  An uairsin rinn sinn damhan-allaidh le paipear dubh.

We made spider web pictures for Halloween using black paint and whitre crayons. After that we made spiders out of black paper.


Bha aodach annasach oirnn airson oidhche-shamhna. Bha sinn a’ dannsa agus bha biadh againn. Chaidh sinn timcheall an ard-sgoil cuideachd.

We dressed up for Halloween and went round the secondary so that they could all see us. We had food and did some dancing.

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