P5a March Blog


As part of STEM week we had a visit from BAM. We learned about the jobs of Civil Engineers and worked in two teams to build a bridge that we would be able to walk over.

Marcus said: “I liked screwing in the different parts of the bridge”. 

Rachel said: “I loved walking across it. It was really strong”. 

Louise said: “I liked connecting all of the cables together”. 

Emma said: “I liked when Miss Convery had to test if it was strong enough and walk over it first”. 

Thank you to everyone who came in to speak to us during STEM week – we loved hearing about the wide variety of jobs in engineering and the different workshops inspired many engineers of the future.


This week we have been focusing on Area and Perimeter. We worked in teams to create robots with each part of the robot a different area and perimeter.

Special Achievements:

Well done to these talented girls who all did amazingly well in the Eco competition. Rachel came in 1st place with the winning poster! Alice, Dana, Poppy and Rebekah were Runners Up. Nice work 🙂

The House Certificate for March was awarded to Marcus for his excellent effort and attitude! Well Done Marcus.

Hope everybody enjoys the holiday! 5A are looking forward to a well deserved rest!

What a busy week in P5d!

Primary 5d have been very busy this week. They were out to impress with lots of active learning. See what fun they got up to.

Maths & Problem Solving: 

We had lots of fun using concrete materials to revisit our learning about equivalent fractions.  We used pro bots to follow and create directions to enhance our learning about compass points and angles.

“I enjoyed using the pro bots because it was challenging to get the hang of them but that was fun.  It helped us make shapes, straight lines and follow directions.” Lyle 

We got very creative and came up with three different strategies to solve a problem. We chose to draw it out, use concrete materials and to use the interactive whiteboard. After we had tested these strategies out we reflected on which strategy we thought worked the best and why.

I thought that drawing it out was the best strategy because you could rub it out and try again if you had done something wrong.” Lucy A 

I thought the concrete materials was the best way because you could stick them together and also I could see and touch them to know if I had the right combination or not.” Ethan 



We have been learning about types of forces. This week we explored and investigated what air resistance is.  We did three different activities to help us investigate the factors that affect air resistance

Movie Makers:

We have been working in groups to write, plan and film a drama scenario.  We chose a HWB topic that we have learned about and used that to help us create some super drama performances.  Watch this space for the videos 🙂  

Well done P5d, you have been working very hard.  Keep up the great work.  🙂

Christmas KNEX in P5d

P5d have had a very fun filled Christmas week.

They were given a design brief to create a stable structure capable of supporting 400g weight and also include a moving part.

P5d love a challenge and worked very hard, in groups, to design, plan and construct Santa’s sleigh.


The finished models were extremely impressive. Well done P5d.

A very Merry Christmas to all of you and your families. Enjoy a well earned holiday break.  See you in the New Year, 2019!! 🙂

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A week to remember in P5d

Primary 5d have had another action packed week.


On Monday we were very lucky to have a visit from some Civil Engineers.  After learning about some projects that civil engineers carry out, we took part in an activity investigating and demonstrating ‘Flood Risk’. We had great fun!


This week, especially, we remembered all those special to us who have died.  We have learned about Remembrance Day and we did some activities to show our respect for those people.


In our next topic in science, we are going to be learning about Biodiversity.  This week we discussed what a diverse range of living things we have on our planet.  We are looking forward to investigating this further.

On Tuesday, we went out to the Chestnut garden to identify some living things in our local environment. We are looking forward to learning about habitats, species and ecosystems.



We had a very chilled out morning in the library this week. We selected a book and found a really comfortable place to unwind and read.  Keep up the rich reading P5d!


We are really enjoying having more active fun, in class and outdoors, with our maths learning.  This week, we continued using lots of active materials as we learn about division, fractions and decimal fractions.

Well done P5d! Keep up all the fantastic work 🙂


Primary 5A

We have had such a busy week back after the October holiday!


This week in Science, we were learning about chemical changes through a Halloween themed lesson using pumpkins. We started by writing a hypothesis and predicting what we thought would happen when we mixed different substances together and then poured them into our pumpkins.

Some of us thought that the pumpkin would explode and some of us thought it might even change colour!

We found that when the reactants were mixed together, it created a chemical reaction causing the mixture to bubble up and overflow from the pumpkin! We had so much fun!

Outdoor Learning

We were creating beautiful artwork using natural materials in outdoor learning! Have a look below:


We started basketball in PE today and loved practising their skills in the Mugga! We had a go at shooting as well.


Another busy week in P5d

Primary 5d have been very busy active this week.


This week, they planned, designed and constructed a model using KNEX.  There were some wonderfully inventive and ambitious structures.  Well done P5!



P5d have been enjoying having the sports leaders from St.Ninians down working with them.  This week they were working on fitness and basketball.

Outdoor Learning: 

P5 have been learning all about China.  They were particularly interested in the Great Wall of China, which they researched and found out facts about.

Today, they used sticks, blocks, wood, stones and chalk to recreate their own Great Walls.

They had great fun in the sun 🙂 Well done P5d!

Another busy and productive week in P5d.

Have a lovely October break everyone!

P5d Reflect on another busy week!

This week has been another busy week with plenty of fun and learning.

Our Lady of the Missions 60th Birthday

This week we went to St. Vincent’s church for Mass. We celebrated our schools 60th birthday. “Brodie”

It was a beautiful Mass and we all enjoyed a day of celebration for our school.  It was very interesting to learn some facts about the school and when it opened.  It was funny to think that our school opened with four children!

P.E. St. Ninians – Sports Leaders

On Tuesday afternoon, we went to St. Ninian’s to do sports.  We did athletics circuits. “Maya”

My favourite station was the hurdling one. “Ellie-Angel”

I liked the speed bounce one because you had to try and jump over the hurdle from side to side. “Vincent”

It was a fantastic opportunity for us to develop our fitness skills in St. Ninians with the sports leaders.  The stations were great fun and everyone really enjoyed themselves.  Thanks to everyone at St. Ninians for organising it for us.


This week, in the STEM room, we learned about changes of matter; solids, liquids and gases. I liked the sorting activity.  (Mirin)


Well done Primary 5 on another jammed packed week.  Have a lovely weekend!

Welcome back Primary 5A!

Primary 5A have all settled well into the year and are enjoying the new routines of P5. Have a look what we have been up to this week:


We have been learning about materials and the way that they can change into different substances. This week we had 5 different stations that we visited to learn more about changing substances: melting chocolate, melting and freezing ice cubes, dissolving salt in water, a video station and a worksheet station!

Alice said: “I liked the chocolate station because we got to heat the chocolate and see it melting.” 

Marcus said: “I also liked the chocolate melting station because it was like cooking. I liked seeing solids becoming liquids!” 

Kamran said: “I liked watching the TigTags videos which were about dissolving and making substances change.”

Rachel said: “I liked the salt experiment because you got to see the salt dissolving in the water, it was quicker with warm water. The worksheet station was good because you had to discuss in your group what you thought made the substance change.” 

Have a look at some of the pictures below:



This week we have been learning to write a personal recount. We wrote about our favourite days and focused on using excellent sentence openers, wow words and including detail in our writing.


We have been enjoying using a range of technology since we came back to school! We have been learning how to use Google Classroom and having fun editing documents together and answering questions. We also have been incorporating Education City into each of our Numeracy lessons to reinforce the concept we are learning in a fun and interactive way.

Social Studies 

Our new topic is China! We are excited to learn all about the culture, schooling system and geography. We have decided as a class what we want to learn and so far have drawn the panda (as it is Native to China) in Expressive Arts and began researching China through Technologies.

Friendly Reminder

A friendly reminder that swimming begins next Tuesday morning!

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