Sky Academy Studios

On Thursday this week we were very lucky to be able to visit Sky Academy Studios in Livingston.

The children were amazing and did Busby Primary proud in creating a wonderful News Report.

“When I walked in and saw the professional cameras, I was so amazed and thankful that I got the chance to use one of these cool cameras. I’ve had experience with other cameras so I know how to zoom in and out and it was so fun using this huge real TV camera. When I saw the big blue whale and heard that the amount of plastic it took to make it was the amount of plastic bottles used every second that are not recycled, I was shocked.”   Alfie 


Polly the Blue Whale

We arrived on the bus and had lunch straight away. Then we went into a room that was like a cinema where we watched a film about Sky and all that they do.

“We then went into our groups and into our own studios. We all had a job to do. My job was the reporter and I had to talk in front of the camera, talking about plastic pollution in our oceans. I had to get changed into a suit and looked very smart to play the part. Behind me was a green screen which they put a beach with lots of plastic in the background. We researched more facts and spoke about them for the camera and the news report. My favourite bit of all was seeing the whole film put together by all the groups at the very end, We created an amazing news report. It was really fun!” Craig

Reporting with the green screen

” I was really surprised when I saw the Blue Whale outside that I later found out that it was called Polly and then after that, I found out that Polly has a brother called Plasticus in London!

So when we came in, we had our lunch immediately and then we all went outside for some fresh air.  My favourite bit of all was when we had to make the decision between two of our videos. We chose the second one because the first one, a member of our team someone got a bit muddled with their words but the second one was better. It was a great day!” Caleb

Fabulous opportunity for the children and they all rose to the challenge! Watch out for some young and up and coming journalists and reporters!!


Skills Academy

Our Community Skills Academy had the Williamwood Fire Service out to talk about their role in the community. They gave us a great talk about all the skills and training they needed to enter the job and what skills they use day to day and how this impacts on the community.  Next we had a full tour of the Fire truck. What a brilliant job our Fire Service does day to day.

We learned that it is everybody’s responsibility to keep the equipment looked after and ensure it is checked every day before work,in order that everything is there and works properly.

Thanks to the Williamwood Fire Service for visiting us at Busby Primary!

Health and Well-being Week

Mindful Monday began with a lesson on how to stay safe when working or playing on a computer or any internet device. The children then had a very relaxing Yoga session with Mrs Farrant in the gym hall which was enjoyed by all.

E-Safety SMART

We then discussed what is a worry and shared some worries with each other. The children learned a strategy to help when they are worrying about something.

The 3 C’s

CATCH  thoughts     Catch the negative thoughts,  e.g.  No one at                                                                   school likes me

COLLECT   evidence   – Find the evidence that supports this (Often                                                                     there is none.  Feelings are not facts!)

CHALLENGE  thoughts  –  Have a debate with yourself about the fact                                                                    that your thought is not true.

Teamwork Tuesday was

Workout Wednesday starting off with a blast of high intensity exercise with INSANITY….what a way to start the week. Lots of sweat and hard work to increase heart rates. Fantastic effort by all the children.

Mr Butterfield and the class! 

Before the sweating!! 🙂      

and during…..

Some classroom fitness…

Just Dance


Great flexibility in Yoga!

Thankful Thursday…lots of things to be thankful for…

Our Class Gratitude Tree

Everyone contributed to the collage art to create the tree and thought of one thing they are truly thankful for.

Some mindfulness colouring  and strategies learned to remember to take time to calm and focus on ourselves and also what to do to help us when we worry about things.

Friendship Friday….reflection on what we do with our friends, who are our friends, how to be a good friend and how to keep friends.

A great Health and Well-Being Week!