Week Beginning 29.11.21

It has been an exciting week of advent calendars, including our class book advent calendar. The children have really enjoyed unwrapping a book each day and listening to each other’s favourite stories. We also chose the Christmas songs we would like to learn and will be practising them over the next couple of weeks. We will perform these in school and a video will be posted on Google Classroom for all of our family and friends to enjoy.

We also said goodbye to Miss Macrae, our student teacher. We were very sad to see her go and will miss having her in our classroom. She completed an exciting Harry Potter lesson on her last day where we made bookmarks, Dobby’s sock and some Harry Potter bunting.

Numeracy & Maths

We have continued with our number work including subtraction, sequencing and ordering numbers and identifying the missing number in a calculation. This week we also completed some Coding using Kodable. This has helped to support our understanding of Position and Direction further. We had to give our little Fuzz a clear algorithm to get it from one side of the maze to the other.


This week we have been learning about adverbs and we created our own sentences which had to include an adverb, we also had to check it was correctly punctuated. We were also very excited to be applying for a job at Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. We wrote a letter to him explaining why we would like the job and what skills we could offer.

Outdoor Learning

In the woodland, Miss Macrae tasked us with creating a hedgehog home, ensuring it was a safe place for a hedgehog to live. We completed some learning about hedgehogs before  heading outdoors and then used anything we could find in the woodland to create a cosy home.




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