Week Beginning 17.01.22

We have had a busy couple of weeks in P3b and are now fully back into the swing of things. We have been learning about Needs and Wants and have been discussing the difference between them. It really got us thinking about what we actually need to survive and we had some interesting conversations about what we want…Lamborghini’s were mentioned several times!


We have been focusing on our comprehension skills over the past couple of weeks and have continued developing our skimming and scanning skills.  In writing, we have been writing diary entries which has taught us about writing in the first person and past tense.

Numeracy and Mathematics

We have been learning a variety of skills over the past couple of weeks including vertical addition and subtraction along with measurement. We have already looked at length (cm and m) and weight (g and kg) and will also be exploring capacity and volume. We also looked at multiplication and explored different ways in which we can show this. This includes repeated addition, groupings and arrays.






Expressive Arts

We are developing our drawing skills in P3b and last week focused on lines and the different types of lines we can create with a pencil. This week we used these skills to draw leaves and twigs which we found outside. We had to include the detail on the twigs and leaves in our free hand drawings which showed the many different types of lines.






Health and Wellbeing

Our focus at the moment is emotions. We are exploring different types of emotions and how these can affect us. We have also been looking at how our body reacts to certain emotions and how this can be different in people. We will also be looking at ways to overcome certain emotions.

Week Beginning 03.01.22

It has been lovely to see the children settle back into school this week and listen to them excitedly tell each other about their break as we shared news on Wednesday morning.

The highlight of the week has been playing in the snow as you will see from the pictures below.

During a wet interval some of the children created their own band named The Lightning Bolts. This has come on the back of some of the children receiving musical instruments for Christmas and Ms Biggart witnessed some excellent beat keeping. We hope you enjoy the video 🙂