Week Beginning 25.10.21

Primary 3b have been full of excitement this week in the lead up to Halloween. We have completed some activities in class including spooky adjectives and then writing a short story using these adjectives along with some Halloween yoga and on Monday we made our own decorations for the classroom.

Numeracy and Maths

Many of us have been working on calculations. Some of us are focusing on horizontal calculations and have been using strategies such as counting on or back and partitioning to help us calculate the answer. Others have been learning about vertical calculations and have been focusing on laying out the calculation, ensuring our tens and units are lined up. We also started a new concept in class and over the next six weeks we will be learning about position and direction. This week we learned about right angles and we now understand that a right angle is the same as a quarter turn. We went on a right angle hunt around the classroom.


This week we wrote our Autumn poems. We used some of the things we found in the woodland as prompts to help support our writing. We included some alliteration in our poem and had lots of fun trying to say ‘Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers’. Mrs Agnew thinks our poems are amazing and next week we are going to redraft them onto templates. We also completed a listening activity. Mrs Agnew read us a set of instructions related to a picture of a skeleton and we had to complete the picture according to the instruction.

Expressive Arts

We completed some Halloween art by creating a spooky picture with a silhouette.  We were given white and blue paint and had to gradually mix the blue paint into the white to get the effect of the moon. We then created a silhouette of a castle, haunted house or any other spooky image and glued this onto the painting. Our images look great and we can’t wait to share them with you soon.

Outdoor Learning

Our time in the woodland was very wet this week which impacted on the lesson planned. We still went out in the rain and had lots of fun as you will see from the photos below.



Week Beginning 18.10.21

It was lovely to see the children returning from their October break so happy and excited to share what they did with their families and friends during their time off. We spent some time on Tuesday listening to each other share holidays, day trips and exciting things happening at home.

Numeracy and Maths

In Numeracy and Maths we have continued with concepts previously learned. Some of us created our own calculations and challenged our partner to answer them correctly. We completed our work on money and have shown we can calculate amounts up to £10. We can calculate change within £1 and have been using strategies to help us do this.


In Literacy we continued our focus on nouns and have been looking at the difference between common and proper nouns. We are working really hard to develop our handwriting skills and looking at our letter formation.

Outdoor Learning

Over the next couple of weeks we will be looking at Autumn which will also support our writing in class. During our time in the woodland we collected lots of things that remind us of Autumn. This included leaves which had changed colour, logs, fallen apples and even a piece of pumpkin. We discussed the colours and textures of the items and also why the reminded us of Autumn. Some of us  spotted different types of fungus on the trees including some jelly fungus, amazingly this was also growing on the tyres!

We then had some free time to explore the woodland. Some of us started an imaginary game, the Vikings vs the Romans. We had a tug of war which quickly developed into a full class tug of war.

The Vikings

This week we have been learning about Viking longships. We looked at the unique design of the ships and watched a short video which gave us an insight into how the Vikings used and operated their ships. In pairs or groups, we have started to create our own design. We have all given our Viking longships a name and some of us are even adding our own inventions to our design.


Week Beginning 04.10.21

We have had a wonderful week in P3b surrounded by lots of cardboard. There has been so much enthusiasm and excitement around shield making and lots of the children have used the left over cardboard to make some other Viking weapons. The children have been desperate to bring them home and I am sure you will agree they have done a fantastic job!

Numeracy and Maths

In Numeracy and Maths we are focusing on a few different concepts. Some of us are learning to round two-digit numbers to the nearest ten whilst some of us are looking at place value and recognising the tens and units in each number. We have continued our focus on money and we are currently working on calculating change. We have been learning how to count on and back on a number line to help calculation the correct amount.



In Literacy we have continued our work on adjectives which helped us describe different settings in our writing this week. We have also started learning about nouns and will begin to introduce this into our writing also. We are continuing our focus on spelling which includes our spelling sound ‘ea’ and common words. Ask us words that have the long ‘ea’ sound and the short ‘ea’ sound!

Health and Wellbeing

We are learning about emotions and this week we worked in groups to create a poster about a different emotion. The emotions we are looking at are happy, sad, relaxed, bored, angry and worried. Over the coming weeks we will be discussing what triggers these emotions, how our body may feel and how we can overcome these feelings.


This week we began learning about the clothes the Vikings wore and the different materials the clothes are made from. We discussed the similarities and differences between their clothes and the clothes we wear today. Our Viking shields are complete, we posed with our scariest Viking face!

Outdoor Learning

We have shown a very keen interest in reading maps and after our last outdoor learning lesson many of the children created their own maps of their house or garden. This week, we went out to the woodland and created a map of this area. We had to think about the main areas of the woodland to plot on the map along with where they are all from a certain point in the woodland. We also had to include a key to ensure our map was clear to read.



Week Beginning 27.09.21

We have been busy bees in Primary 3 this week and have had lots going on.

Maths Week Scotland

The theme for Maths Week Scotland has been ‘Our World’. Primary 3 began the week by discussing how maths is used in every day life and looked at various jobs and why they need to use the maths. The children were very keen to share the jobs their parents do and we discussed lots of different ways they will complete maths on a daily basis. Symmetry was a common theme this week. We looked at some flags of the world and discussed the symmetry and 2D shapes we could see in them. We also created our own symmetrical Rangoli patters.

We absolutely loved creating our own hundred square puzzles by cutting up a hundred square and then challenging our partner to complete it.


Our spelling sound this week has been ‘ee’. We have begun introducing more active spelling tasks to complete in class and also practising our common words. Along with reading and comprehension we have continued our focus on adjectives and again linked this with our writing, The Alien Landing. We loved describing the aliens and were challenged with describing what the alien can see, hear, smell, taste and touch.

Outdoor Learning

Our time in the woodland this week was connected with Maths Week Scotland. Before going to woodland we reminded ourselves about Venn Diagrams and then created our own using anything we could find in the woodland. We came up with lots of amazing criteria such as rough, smooth, brown and squishy and correctly sorted each of the objects we found.

The Vikings

This week we were extremely excited to begin making our Viking shields. We discussed different Viking shield designs and look at examples. We also shared pictures some children sent in of ‘real’ Vikings they recently met. On Thursday we cut out the shield from our cardboard, which was way harder than expected, and then began painting them. The shields are looking great but not quite finished, we still have the boss, handle and some finishing touches to add!