Week Beginning 23.08.21

We have had a lovely start to Primary 3. The children have settled in very well to their new classroom and new routines. We have spent lots of time getting to know each other through circle time, games and activities in class.

We have been reading The Day the Crayons Quit and this has been our focus in Literacy. In Numeracy & Maths we have been using our addition and subtraction skills to solve problems and complete calculations.

We have completed some beautiful pieces of art including a self-portrait with sunglasses which showed what we did over the summer. We have also created pictures using different textures with crayon.

We have been enjoying the sunshine outside and spent time in the woodland along with the playground and the Muga.

We had two teams and we had hula hoops across the Muga and then we had to hop across and when we met we did rock, paper, scissors, shoot and we had to try and get to the other end and sadly we didn’t make it to the other end. Magnus

In the Muga we played Chaos Tig and we had lots of fun. Everyone is the tigger. Zack

We played slow and fast games in the Muga. Joshua

It was fun doing the spelling activities. Charlie

In Literacy, we used the Chromebooks and played some word games on the board. Harry

We rubbed the crayons over the different textures and we tried to make characters or objects from the different textures by cutting out our rubbings. Aaron

There was lots and lots of different textures. My favourite was the one that looked like big scratches. Miller