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Week 14

“We’ve been learning about road safety this week. We designed posters to encourage people to be safe on the roads, especially for drivers to slow down. We’ve also been thinking about our road safety heroes and people who help us be safe around roads. We drew some pictures of road safety heroes in action. Some people wrote letters to our local MSP asking him to make changes to make roads safer.” Blake, Rosie, Becki, Zakir and Jenny

“The three JRSOs in our class, Lucy, Charlotte and Cameron, have been going around classes with quizzes. Each year group gets different questions, matched to their age. The winner gets a prize!” Cameron

“In the Woodland we made patterns with different coloured leaves. We made dragons, Pikachus, rainbow crocodiles, trees, fires, lightening, rainbows and flowers.” Primary 6

“With Mrs Hutchison we worked on shading to help us draw 3D objects.” Jude

“In Maths the cuboids started learning about decimals and the triangular prisms were doing algebra, and the spheres were working on BODMAS.” Zakir

“In writing we continued editing our writing and we redrafted a piece of writing from earlier this term.” Lucy

“In music we worked on the Carnival Animals. We looked at 5 more animals. My favourite was the aquarium, it was mysterious and scary.” Isla

“In P.E we continued playing football, we played numbers football.” Olivia

“On Thursday we worked on our handwriting. WE practised all the letters that come back towards us and made sure tall letters touched the line above.” Habiba

“Friday was a dress as you please day. We all brought presents for next Friday’s present room. Alfie was wearing a giant Santa head and Harris was an elf!” Ross J

Week 13

“On Tuesday we were doing kindness workshops. There were 5 different stations. PC Karen took one of them, she taught us about different crimes and relating them to bullying. We also had Aimee and Mhairi from I am me, they taught us about disabilities, safe spots and they showed us a video about what they do. They help people with disabilities feel safe.” Zakir, Myra, Olivia and Ava

“After our workshops we went round classes and told the younger pupils about kindness. We showed them a video and then handed out love hearts. We helped the other pupils write about who had been kind to them and how.” Daryn

“Becki, me (Haniya) and some other Crookfur pupils went to a badminton tournament on Thursday in Barrhead. We played against other schools and came 6th.” Haniya

“On Thursday we designed Christmas cards. We used pictures on the board for inspiration. We were completing them for a competition.” Isla

“In writing this week we were editing one of our previous stories. WE did 5 different stations where we improved punctuation, vocabulary and spelling. We also read it over to check it made sense.” Rosie

Book Week

“At the Woodland this week we found shapes, tried to estimate how many blades of grass there were and how high the tallest tree was.” –Ross J and Zakir

“In music with Mrs Hutchison, we listened to “The Carnival of the Animals” and tried to figure out how the music suited the animals. At the end of music we sung the song “Happy” ” –Lucy and Isla


“For Book Week we have been looking at Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In writing we wrote described the setting of the Chocolate Room, we compared and discussed the different film versions. On Wednesday, completely coincidentally we got an email from Willy Wonka. He asked us to research the most popular flavour of chocolate and display it in bar graphs or pi charts. Then he asked us to design packaging for it. We used a 3d computer programme called Tinkercad. On Thursday he asked us to describe how the chocolate would taste, we even made up some Roald Dahl style words to add in. On Friday, we made posters and made chocolate bars. We melted chocolate and added in flavours.” Becki, Jenny, Rosie, Charlotte and Dawud

“In P.E we played numbers football. We all had a number, when it was called out it was our turn to play.” Helena


“Mrs McGuigan visited the class to hand out some certificates. Six people got them, but Mr Flood said it was a very hard decision. Well done to, me (Alfie), Charlotte, Kaitlyn, Jenny, Blake and Zara.” – Alfie


“For book week we also guessed the teachers’ favourite books and read to our buddies.” Zakir



Week 11

“We took our topic out to the woodland this week. We had to find the best place to line up for the start of a clan battle. We made forts, made allies and acted out a bit of a battle. Some allies turned on their allies.” Charlotte

“In P.E we were practising football skills and we were trying to get the ball off out partner by tackling them.” Zakir


“In art we were using complimentary colours to concentric circles with oil pastels.” Emily


“We were learning how to use speech marks properly. So we rewrote a part of George’s Marvellous Medicine adding speech marks, commas and new paragraphs.” Rosie


“In maths some of us did problem solving. Some of it was very hard, it took us a whole page of working. In one problem we had to figure out fractions. It took us two days of thinking.” Alfie


“In music we listened to a part of some songs and had to guess the instruments in it. Some of the instruments were ones that people in the class played.” Isla


“In Health and Wellbeing we acted out if scenarios were bad luck, someone else’s fault or your fault. We acted out wee plays in groups. We drew a responsibility pi chart.” Jenny

“In writing we wrote descriptive stories about the Battle of Culloden. We were uses the 5 senses to add to our descriptions.” Jude

Week 10

Have  a look at some of the things we’ve been up to this week!

In P.E we played football to develop fitness skills and worked more on our basketball skills.

In the Woodland this week we looked for and then made some 3D and 2D shapes using natural materials.

In maths some of us were dividing decimals, others were finding fractions of amounts.

In art with Mrs Hutchison we were using complimentary colours to create backgrounds for our spheres.

In writing we worked to create fantastic setting descriptions.

For topic we learnt all about the Battle of Culloden and how the Government defeated the Jacobites. We did some research on laptops to find out more. Some of the class looked up how big a long sword was and checked if it was taller than them (it was)!

We learnt about Diwali and then made some amazing rangoli patterns.

On Friday we had great fun breaking the rules, we had ponchos, onesies, a break the rules t-shirt, crazy hair and even cupcake hair! We raised lots of money for P.E equipment.

Enjoy your weekend!

Week 9

Thanks for visiting our blog. We’ve learnt loads this week in P6b.

In literacy we’ve been practising our comprehension skills and discussing our books. In writing we wrote a piece to show off everything we have been learning, there was a fantastic amount of effort put in by everyone.

In numeracy we carried on learning about decimals, fractions and function machines. While learning about shape we were finding the missing angles in triangles and some of us took on an extra challenge of drawing accurate triangles with protractors.

We had a great time in the woodland on Monday. We worked together to complete lots of different challenges.

In P.E we continued to practise our basketball skills and started working on fitness and football skills too.

In health and wellbeing we have carried on learning about bounce back strategies. This week we focussed on staying positive.

Enjoy your weekend!

Week 8

We’ve jumped straight back into our learning after the holidays.

We have been continuing our clans topic looking at different soldiers, weapons and different wars and battles. We discussed how technology changed over the time of the clans.

In art with Mrs Hutchison we explored shade and tone, mixing white and black into different colours.

We revised punctuation in Literacy, using full stops, capitals and commas correctly.

In writing we continued a story about a monster and tried to use lots of VCOP.

In maths some of us were simplifying fractions, others were adding decimals and other people were practising function machines.

In P.E we started basketball. We worked on passing and dribbling skills.

We hope you enjoy your weekend!

Week 7

We’ve been working really hard this week. Here are some of the things we’ve been up to.

We used ISPACE openers to improve our writing. We all chose different genres and topics.

In maths we continued to explore our decimals, fractions and function machines. We also began looking at shape, including types of triangles and the properties of shapes.

In Health and Wellbeing we started looking at helpful and unhelpful types of thinking.

In P.E this week we used different stations to practise different ball skills. Such as throwing and catching and aiming.

In the woodland this week we used natural materials we found outside to dye materials and investigate how clans might have dyed clothes. Some people even made tartan patterns.

It’s the October holiday. We hope everyone enjoys a well earned break.

Week 6

It was Maths week this week. We were thinking about how to use maths in our future jobs. We made posters to show how they would use maths.

In numeracy this week we started some new topics, decimals (looking at tenths and hundredths), fractions and function machines.

We’ve been practising our French this week. We used an app called Rigolo to help us learn the French names for classroom objects. We played memory games to practise our French. We enjoyed hiding objects and seeing if we could use our French skills to say what was missing.

In literacy we worked on ways to start sentences, we used ISPACE to help us remember them. Each letter is a different way to start a sentence (I- ing word, S- simile, P- preposition, A- adverbs, C- Conjunction, E- ed word). We used these to write sentences in our jotters.

We had group discussions about our class novel, and debated one of the rules, “Trust No-one.”

For our clans topic we made notes about Scottish history and then arranged them on a timeline.

Thanks for reading our blog and we hope you have a great weekend!

Week 5

We went to the woodland with Mrs Biggart and had great fun building an activity trail. We used team work, creativity and problem solving skills.

We learnt about the rule of three in writing. We used it to create impact and describes things.

We created clans in our table groups. We made up mottos, badges, tartans, and clan names.

In maths we made our own misleading graphs, and we fixed Mr Flood’s misleading graph. We’ve been learning how graphs can trick us into thinking a certain way. Spotting these kinds of graphs is an important life skill.

In Art with Mrs Hutchison we mixed colours together and blending colours. We also did some music we were learning about the instruments in an orchestra.

It’s been a busy week and we hope everyone enjoys a well earned long weekend.