Ar Sgoil | Our School

Fàilte don làrach-lìn

Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Thornliebank


An seo gheibh thu fiosrachadh mun sgoil againn agus ceanglaichean feumail a dh ’fhaodadh a bhith feumail do theaghlaichean a thaobh foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig | Here you will be able to find information about our school, as well as useful links in relation to Gaelic Medium Education.

Luchd-Obrach | Staff

Ceannard na Sgoile | Head Teacher – Jenni Miller

Iar-Cheannard | Depute Head Teacher – Jennifer Wilson

Prìomh Thidsear | Principal Teacher – Adam McColgan-Smith

Tidsear | Teacher – Ishbel Campbell


Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig (FTMG)

A seo aig Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Thornliebank tha cothrom aig sgoilearan a’ dol tro Foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig (FTMG).  Am bliadhna tha sin a’ toiseachadh le Clas 1 agus bidh sinn a’ fàs bhon a seo. Tha FTMG a’ toirt cothroman do chlann is daoine òga a bhith comasach ann a Ghàidhlig agus Beurla, a’ leigeil le do phàiste a bhith fileanta ann a chànan eile bho aois na b’ òige. Tha iad a’ toiseachadh Beurla bho deireadh Clas 3 agus biodh dùil ann gum bidh clann dà-chànanach nuair a ruig iad Clas 7.

Tha clann a tha a’ tuigsinn barrachd na aon cànan a’ smaoineachadh ann an dòigh cruthachail is sùbailte – agus tha tòrr cothroman ann an diofar dreuchdan ma that thu dà-chànanach.

Here at Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Thornliebank pupils have the chance to access Gaelic Medium Education.  This year we are starting our Gaelic Medium provision with our first Primary 1 class and will build on this year on year. GME gives children and young people the opportunity to become proficient in Gaelic as well as English, allowing your child to become fluent in another language from an early age. English is introduced from the end of Primary 3 and pupils can expect to be bilingual by the time they reach Primary 7.

Children who understand more than one language are able to think more flexibly and creatively -and being bilingual offers many career opportunities.

Ceanglaichean | Links

Ceanglaichean gu iomadh diofar ghoireas is fiosrachadh mu dheidhinn Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig is taic son teaghaichean. 

Here are useful links relating to Gaelic Medium Education, including resources as well as support for families.

Bòrd na Gaidhlig 

Learn Gaelic

Education Scotland 

Comann nam Pàrant

The Gaelic Books Council



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