St John’s Parish Church

Pupils in Primary 6 and 7 are invited to St John’s Parish Church on Saturday 20th December at 4.30pm or on Sunday 21st December 21st December at 10am, 12pm or 6.30pm. Pupils should bring the crib that they made in school and Father Paul will gift them a baby Jesus and bless it. A coffee morning will take place after 10am Mass, in the hall.

All Welcome.

Christmas Holidays

  • A reminder that Christmas Parties take place on Wednesday 17th December, pupils should come as they please. 
  • Any outstanding money for Panto taking place on Thursday 18th December P1-3 and Friday 19th December p4-7 should be handed to the office. £5 each or £7 a family.
  • Please join us on Thursday 18th December for an Advent Mass at 2.15pm. Everyone welcome.
  • St Mark’s closes on Friday 19th December at 2.30pm. The school will reopen on the 5th January at 9am. The breakfast club will be open as normal from 8am.

Finally, it only remain for me, on behalf of the entire staff of the school, to wish you and your families a peaceful, Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year.

Gerard McLaughlin

Head Teacher

Free School Meals Initiative, P1-3


I write to inform you of the start of the free school meals provision for all Primary 1 to 3 pupils. This initiative was announced following a decision by the Scottish Government earlier this year and will start in East Renfrewshire Council on Monday 5th January 2015.

As of Monday 5th January 2015 all Primary 1 to 3 pupils will be provided with a healthy lunch that meets the requirements of the Health Promotion and Nutrition (Scotland) Act 2007 and I would ask you to encourage your child to take up their entitlement and try the various food available.

Facilities Management catering staff have been working with Head Teachers and school staff to ensure that all children have a positive and enjoyable experience at lunch time. We have developed a menu to allow the pupils to try new and varied foods and we intend to consult with parents towards the Spring break to seek views on the menu. I have attached a copy of the menu for your information and to allow you to discuss this with your child, this information can also be accessed through the following website

I wish you and your families’ best wishes for the festive season and look forward to seeing your child for their free lunch in the New Year.

Yours sincerely

Fiona Morrison

Head of Education Services (School Performance & Provision)

Temporary P1-3 Menu

Coral Reef Visit to Santa

Santa came to visit the children of the Coral Reef on their trip to The Avenue Shopping Centre at Newton Mearns.  The children had a fantastic time tucking into hot chocolate and cakes, supplied by Costa Coffee, who also gave them a special room all to themselves.  This enabled them  to enjoy  their visit from Santa as a group.  It  was all organised by the Centre Manager Michelle, who went out of her way to make it a fantastic experience.

A big thank you to Michelle and Alan, the manger of Costa for making this all happen.

Barrhead Food Bank

The Pupil Council are holding a fundraising event on Friday 12th December. Pupils can wear a Christmas jumper to school but instead of bringing money pupils should bring an item for the local food bank. The food bank needs the following items:

  • tinned vegetables
  • long life milk
  • orange juice
  • creamed rice
  • selection boxes
  • shampoo
  • shower gel
  • toothpaste
  • soap

Many thanks for your continued support.

Active Schools- We Need You!

The aim of active schools is to offer all children and young people the opportunities and motivation to adopt active, healthy lifestyles,  now and in adulthood. We aim to do this by increasing sporting opportunities before, during and after school. To assist us we have a group of volunteers, coaches, leaders and teachers who help deliver these activities and we would like you to be part of the programme.

From active travel initiatives to helping school clubs we have roles big and small to suit your requirements. Even if you don’t have coaching certificates or qualifications we can help you get them!

If you are interested in volunteering with us, please complete the form your child has brought home from school.

Barry Cook

Senior Active School Coordinator

Christmas Choir

In the lead up to Christmas, our school choir brought festive cheer to the staff and customers of Tesco in Barrhead!  They sang a fabulous medley of Christmas hymns and songs and raised a whopping £109.42 for Yorkhill Children’s Charity.  Well done and thank you to all of the children in the choir for their fantastic effort!

Financial Education Week

Last week we had a very successful Financial Education Week in St. Mark’s.  The aim of Financial Education Week is to develop financial understanding in ensuring that young people leaving school have the skills required to deal confidently with everyday financial issues.

Children throughout the school worked on a variety of activities.  Brandon, Sophie, Bethany, Noah, Mehraan, Charis, Anya and Joseph from the upper school, delivered lessons  on the history of money, and showed the children throughout the school, how to make their own banknotes.

Pupils were also delighted to have the chance to touch £500 worth of shredded banknotes.

As in previous years, parents and carers generously gave up their time to talk to pupils. We would particularly like to thank, Mr Skinner, Mrs Connolly and Mrs Amereh , who came in to talk about the importance of budgeting in  their jobs.

Pupils in Primary 3  had a visit from staff and pupils from St. Luke’s, who delivered  a lesson on money and who, much to the delight of the children, came bearing gifts of pencils and notebooks for each child.

Children’s Liturgy Nativity Play

The St John’s Parish  Children’s Liturgy group will present their Nativity performance at 6.30 pm on Christmas Eve before the vigil mass . Rehearsals will begin on Sunday, 23rd  November. Children of Primary school age who would like to participate should meet in front of the altar after  10 am mass each Sunday from now until Christmas.  The practices will last approximately 20 minutes. We need plenty of sheep, shepherds and angels in addition to the main characters! Please encourage your child to  join us as part of their faith journey.

Danish Vistors

A group of nine Danish educators visited St. Mark’s today as part of a visit to Scotland to learn more about the Scottish education system. They heard presentations from Mr McLaughlin, Miss Healey, Mrs Hallan, Mrs Rook and Mrs Law about teaching in learning in St. Mark’s and were very impressed with the variety of ways  learners are supported in our school.

When walking around the school and playground, they commented on the warmth, friendliness and good manners of our pupils. What particularly caught their attention was that all of our children were smartly dressed in full school uniform, as children in Denmark do not wear uniforms.

They are returning to Denmark with lasting memories of a school,  we can all be proud of.

We value love, faith and understanding

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