Category Archives: Sport Activities


Wild Week  kicks off Monday 20th June with a week long timetable of fun activities for the children.

Children should come in their own clothes all week.  If you child is scheduled for Slip n’ Slide please ensure they have a change of clothes including underwear and socks.

Friday 24th June  is Sports Day at Williamwood High School – please note only 2 spectators per child will be permitted.  School PE kit should be worn on Friday.

If you have not already please ensure you have paid for your child to participate.

2022 Wild Week Master Timetable




Football Festival

Last night St Joseph’s were asked to take part in a Football Festival at Williamwood.

All players  were commended by organiser for their conduct and good play.

6 teams took part

Busby A /Busby B /Netherlee A/ Netherlee B/ Carolside /St Joseph’s

Our results were as follows

Team   Team  
St Joseph’s 4 Netherlee (A) 1
Carolside 1 St Joseph’s 3
St Joseph’s 2 Busby (A) 3
St Joseph’s 4 Netherlee 0
St Joseph’s 4 Busby (B) 0
St Joseph’s 0 Busby (A) 0

Well done St Joseph’s

P7 Scottish Schools Football Association

Our P7 team played on Thursday 11th of December at Ferguslie Park Sports Centre.  The top four teams in this heat are through to the finals and well done to our boys for being one of the four.  They played five games, won three, drew one and lost one, scoring 12 goals in all and conceding only one in the process.

The finals will be played in February.