Category Archives: Charity

Ukraine Appeal

Our lovely pupils Grace, Beth and Lucy have organised a fundraising event next week in school.

The girls explained during today’s morning assembly their wish to help the raise funds for the Ukraine Appeal.  As the Sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine the girls will be selling Sunflower seeds in pots from the School Office during morning break Monday Tuesday and Wednesday next week.  Pupils are also invited to participate in a non-uniform day next Friday for a small cash donation (whatever you can spare).

All funds raised would go to British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal.

A Letter from a House Captain

Dear St.Joseph’s Parent’s,

Tomorrow may be my last day of P7 and although I am sad to miss all the usual celebrations some more vulnerable people will be missing out on food.

As a wee way to say thanks to all the staff and St.Joseph’s school community and a way to celebrate our great saints day I am asking people for a wee donation for our food banks. I will collect them outside school in morning and afternoon and my Dad and I will deliver them to local food bank.

Any non-perishable food welcome. Tinned meat and tinned fruit especially welcome.

Many thanks

Noah (P7) House Captain



On Friday  the 28th February the House Captains are going to host a “Pyjama Day” for Cancer Research with a suggested donation of £1.

So keep those uniforms at home and  we look forward to seeing you all in your PJs!!


Thank you to our wonderful parents for their kind donations at each event over Advent.


P1 and P2 Nativity collected £443.50 for our School Fund

P3 Nativiy collected £314.46 for St Margaret’s Adoption Society

P4 Advent Assembly collected £376.46 for Missio

P5 Advent Assembly collected £162.68 for Social Bite

P6 Advent Assembly and Enterprise Stall collected £379.26 for SCIAF

P7 Advent Assembly collected £135.89 for Marie Curie

In addition the Enterprise Day raised a massive £637.02 for School Funds