4th JUNE 2022
Primary 6 and Primary 7 Pupils
Eaglesham FayreCommittee is looking to recruit Primary 6s and Primary 7s to take on special roles during Eaglesham Fayre. The roles are for children who live within the Parish of Eaglesham and are as follows:
- A Primary 6 girl to be FayrePrincess
- A Primary 6 boy to be her Attendant
- A Primary 7 girl to be Fayre Queen
- A Primary 7 boy to be the Queen’s Consort
If you would like to be considered for one of the above roles, here is what you need to do:
Create your own Personal Statement for the Eaglesham Fayre vCommittee.
- Your statement could be written (e.g. a letter); it could be something artistic (e.g. a picture) or a combination of both.
- Your statement MUST include the following information: your name and address (remember, only pupils living within the Parish of Eaglesham are permitted to enter), your class and school; the role you wish to be considered for; why you would like to hold this role; what you are good at and how this would help you carry out your Eaglesham Fayre duties.
Personal Statements should be completed and returned to your school by Monday 14th March.
The staff at both St Joseph’s and Eaglesham Primary Schools are hoping for a healthy response and so we encourage everyone to take part.
Good luck!