For 2019 P1 catchment school applications, an online application form has been created. This form will allow you to submit your details via the online form prior to providing your documentary evidence to the school during a set week.

The application form will be available on the council website in due course and will be publicised once it is live.

The online application form will close at 4pm on Friday 11 January 2019.

All applicants must visit the catchment primary school for which an application is being made between 1.45pm and 3.30pm, any day during the week of Monday 14 January to Friday 18 January 2019 to submit supporting documentary evidence. Applications can also be made at catchment schools during this week, if you are unable to apply online, and supporting documents should be provided at this time.

For further details please read the attached letter.

P1 REGISTRATION Advert 2019-20