Modern Languages in St Joseph’s

1+2 Modern Languages In St Joseph’s

French is taught in all classes throughout the school – ask your child what vocabulary they are learning this month!

We currently have a French foreign language assistant who helps out in P7 French lessons once a fortnight. Ambré also holds a French Language and Culture club for P6 and 7 pupils in Room 2 (P7b)12:35-1:25pm on the weeks she is here.


Anne, our German language assistant has been working with P5 each week and will be spending a few weeks in P4. She has been running a weekly lunchtime club for P4 and 5 pupils in the P4b classroom.


We have organised for a Portuguese assistant, Madalena to join us on the weeks of our Wednesday masterclass sessions – she will work with Miss Fusaro to deliver a P5-7 cooking masterclass that has a Portuguese flavour and the children who participate will also learn some new vocabulary in the process, as well as develop some knowledge about Portuguese culture.

Madalena will also provide a lunchtime language and culture club for pupils in P4-7  from 12:35-1pm on the following dates:

Wed 28 Feb, Wed 7,  14, 21 March