Tag Archives: parents

East Renfrewshire Council Parent/Carer Survey

Dear Parent/Carer,

East Renfrewshire Council are seeking the views of parents and carers regarding the current online payment system and also about preferred methods of communication with schools.

The link below will take you to a short survey which we would be grateful if you could complete as soon as possible in order that the views of the majority of our parents/carers are gathered.

Thank you for your continued support

Link to survey:


P1 Parent information session- Jolly Phonics

Dear Parents/ Carers,

You are invited to attend an information session about Jolly Phonics/Storyworlds. This will take the format of a presentation on both these resources which are used in P1 to teach phonics and reading.

Thursday 24th September at 2.15pm

Tuesday 29th September at 7pm


Please note that the Tuesday evening event is a re-run of the afternoon event and parents/carers should attend only one session.

If you have any questions/queries regarding these sessions then please contact Josephine McGrotty DHT

Online Booking System- Parents’ Evening appointments

Appointments are booking up quickly for Parents’ Evenings on 7th and 8th October. If you haven’t done so already, please go to


as soon as possible to ensure that you get an appointment time that suits you. Please only phone the school office for assistance if you have tried to log on using all of the instructions provided and are still not gaining access.

Many thanks for your cooperation in using this new system.

We look forward to hearing your feedback.

Online Booking system-Parents’ Evenings 7th & 8th October

Parents’ Evenings 7th and 8th October 2015 – Online Appointment Booking System

Dear Parent/Carer,

I would like to invite you to attend our Parents’ Evening on either Wednesday 7th October or Thursday 8th October to discuss your child’s progress.

The school is piloting a new intuitive and easy to use online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments. We are confident this will be an improvement to the previous system and welcome any feedback.

Appointments can be made from Monday 7th September at 7pm and will close on Sunday 4th October at 3pm .Should you wish to make any changes after this date please contact the school office. If you do not make an appointment online by this date, the school will allocate you an appointment from times that are left and notify you of this.

If your child is in Primary 1d-Mrs J Smith will be listed as the teacher for booking purposes although Mrs Meehan will be conducting one of the evenings.

If your child is in Primary 6d– Mrs C Haveron will be listed as the teacher for booking purposes although Mrs Bilsland will be conducting one of the evenings.

If your child is in Primary 7b– Mrs J Kirkwood will be listed as the teacher for booking purposes although Mrs Degnan will be conducting one of the evenings.

If your child receives additional input from another member of teaching staff, they will be also available on the system to book appointments with on these evenings.

Please visit https://ourladyofthemissions.parentseveningsystem.co.uk

to book your appointments. (A short guide on how to add appointments is included in link below this message.) Complete using the surname and forename of whoever is registered with the school as the main parent/carer and then Login with the following information:

Student’s First Name:             Student’s Surname:
Student’s Date of birth

If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the school office who will be happy to add appointments on your behalf.

Link to parent guide for booking system:

TemplateParentGuide online system amended olm

All children will receive a paper copy of this information home with them today.

Meet the teacher

There will be an opportunity for you to meet your child’s new teacher on Thursday 3rd September between 6 and 7pm. This informal event will enable you to see your child’s new class and obtain a n overview of the curriculum for the year.

There will not be an opportunity to discuss individual progress on this evening. This can be done through contacting the school office at any time or at formal Parent’s evenings which will take place on the 7th and 8th October.


Maths and Numeracy Parent Guides

A group of staff have worked to produce parent guides on different aspects of Maths and Numeracy in order to help parents and carers gain insight into how we teach particular concepts. Links to these can be found below. These will also be available in the ‘Information’ section of our website. We are confident that you will find these booklets both helpful and informative.

Parent and Pupil Division Booklet – new
Parent and Pupil Multiplication Booklet – new
Parent and Pupil Subtraction Booklet – new

Sports Day – Thursday 11th June

Sports day will be held on Thursday 11th June in the adjacent Woodfarm playing fields.
Primaries 1 & 2 – 9.30
Primaries 3 & 4 – 11.00
Primaries 5 – 7 – 1pm
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 11th.
Children should come to school dressed in P.E. kit, ready for Sports Day.
No football tops please. We would encourage children to wear house colours
If it rains heavily on Wednesday evening or Thursday morning, Sports Day will be moved indoors and unfortunately there will be no room for spectators
Please check the school website/twitter from 8.30am onwardshttp://www.ea.e-renfrew.sch.uk/ourladymissions
There will be no tuck shop at the sports field however the PSA will provide ice-cream in school after the races
Children should bring their water bottle into school
Sun cream if required, should be applied at home
Adults – Please bring a folding seat if you require to sit
Please note that ALL children will remain in school until home time and should be collected at normal time.





Tuesday 9th June 2015 6.30pm – 7.30pm in school

How does it work?

You donate, we sell! With blazers, you can keep the proceeds or donate them for school funds. Proceeds from all other uniform items go to the school – a great bargain for buyers either way. Larger blazers are particularly helpful.

How do I donate?

Blazers / uniform should be

  • handed into the school office by lunchtime on the sale day
  • in good condition.


Blazers: please put a note with your donation to confirm sex / approximate size. If you want to keep the sale proceeds, you must also fill in our form for EACH blazer you donate and put it in the front pocket. The school office has copies or you can print a copy from here blazer form for sales 2015Please also put each blazer in a separate bag. IF YOU HAND IN A BLAZER WITHOUT A FORM WE WILL ASSUME IT HAS BEEN DONATED FOR SCHOOL FUNDS.

What will things cost?

Most blazers sold for £10-£20 last year depending on condition. Clothing depended on quality and condition but was still a fraction of the usual cost – most items were £1 each. Items in less good condition may be given away on the night. Leftover items will be kept for the next sale (if in v good condition) or donated for charity recycling. Thanks for your support!

Contact olm-parentcouncil@hotmail.com or 07810 541250 with queries. Our Lady of the Missions Parent Council