Tag Archives: parents


A very warm welcome to our new Primary 1 pupils and all of the new pupils who have joined us from other schools. We are sure that you will be very happy at Our Lady of the Missions! Welcome too, to all of our new parents and carers, we are looking forward to working with you over the coming years.

Junior Department Arrangements

Children are settling well into our new Junior Department building! Just to clarify arrangements for collection of children at end of the day:

Parents/carers should inform children of where they shall be collected at the end of the school day.  Staff will ask each individual child about these arrangements and take note of them.

If children are to be collected/meet siblings at the gate of the main building or in the main building playground then a member of staff will accompany these children down the steps at 3.10 each day, along with children going on buses.

There is no car parking or drop off facility at the Junior Department. All cars should use the main drop off zone, pavillion car park or overflow carpark. Obviously, where possible, we encourage children to walk to school.  

Many thanks for your cooperation with this matter.

Parent Council Minutes May 2014

Our Lady of the Missions Primary School Parent Council

Minutes of Meeting – 29 May 2014



Gillian Boyle, Anne Forsyth, Charlie Jamieson, Marie-Claire Darroch, Mary O’Reilly, Callum Houston, Karen Kelly, Clare Bowes, Cllr Waters, Cllr McCaskill, J. Taggart, C. James, J. Heraghty, R. Spooner, M, McAlpine, C. McCudden, G. Bhatti, J. McLachlan, Cllr Fletcher, N. Salim, J. Devlin, P. Hessett, L. Garety, R. O’Kane


M. Moore, Cllr Montague, Cllr Robertson, A. Friel , A.Hussain

 Approval of the Minutes for the March PC Meeting

Proposed- G. Boyle

Seconded- J. Taggart

Update on Transition

C. Jamieson spoke about continuing to keep parents of OLM, Robslee and Glenwood nursery informed about the progression of the work to build the link corridor. He said he would ensure that this was done smoothly. He added that he and his staff are currently organising the transition to the new building, ensuring that the resources required for P4 and P5 will be packed up and transferred. He said that some new furniture would be ordered and that the new building would be ready for use in August.

Plans have been made for the vacant spaces and there will be some reallocation of space.

C. McCudden asked whether the P4 and 5 children would be told what to do on the first day. C. Jamieson replied that he would inform parents about which doors were to be used. He said that normally children would be introduced to their new teachers and classrooms before the end of term and that signs are usually put up outside the doors to guide pupils at the beginning of the new term.

M. McAlpine asked whether a fire drill would be carried out at the beginning of term in the new building. C. Jamieson replied that it would not be done too early in the new term as it can be daunting for the younger pupils. He said that pupils would be told about the exits in the new building.

R. Spooner asked about the huts. C. Jamieson replied that he hoped to keep one of them for use as a science or home economics classroom.

L. Garety asked whether teacher allocation had been done for next term. C. Jamieson said that it had been finalised but that teachers and pupils had not yet been informed. He added that there would be three Newly Qualified Teachers next term, one more than expected, which means that additional support practices can be offered.

L. Garety asked whether the new P4 and 5 pupils would get to visit their new classrooms in the new building. C. Jamieson said that this might not be possible.

C. McCudden asked whether a name had been decided upon for the new building and suggested referring to it as the middle school.

Raymond O’Kane, of Property and Technical Services, addressed the PC regarding the building work on the new link corridor. He said that it had been a Design and Build contract and that the design had been approved by the Education department before the contract had been awarded. He said that work had begun and that access to the building work was through the Robslee car park. Construction work will be confined to the middle area between the two buildings until the end of term, then the major break-through work will take place during the summer. A central tower will be build and the work is due to be finished by mid-November, this being a 26-week contract.

He explained that the materials to be used for the corridor are still to be approved by ERC and that the contractors were following the normal procedures in applying for the necessary building warrant. The corridor will be a timber kit manufacturedoff-site. He said that the link corridor will have heating, lighting and windows and that the cabling for the two schools would be contained within it. It will be an enclosed route which will be DDA-compliant. There will be some additional work at the entry point to Robslee to make it DDA-compliant as there is a variance in levels at the entrance there. He noted that the Health and Safety plan had been approved.

G. Bhatti asked whether it would be useful to have CCTV cameras in the corridor. C. Jamieson said this would not be necessary. R. O’Kane added that there would be security alarms.

K. Kelly questioned R. O’Kane’s reference to associated works in Robslee. R. O’Kane explained that the contractors would make the corridor DDA-compliant where the corridor enters Robslee but would not be making the entire building accessible to those with disabilities. C. Jamieson said that there will be one child using a wheelchair who will be based in the Robslee building who will have access only to the ground floor.

P. Hessett asked how the Robslee building will be accessible to those with disabilities in the period until the corridor is finished. C. Jamieson replied that alternative arrangements would be made for those two months.

Continue reading Parent Council Minutes May 2014

Sports Day

Weather looking good.  Looking forward to Sports day.
P1& P2 – 9.30
P3 & P4 – 11.00
Primaries  5  –  7 – 1pm 
Children should come to school dressed in P.E. kit, ready for Sports Day.  No football tops please 
We would encourage children to wear house colours
Don’t forget the sun cream

June Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer

We are fast approaching the end of yet another very busy and exciting session, this last term has simply disappeared and soon we will break for Summer vacation. A final newsletter therefore to keep you informed of the many and varied activities that have happened over the last few months.

Link Corridor

The building work in creating the link corridor will continue throughout the summer months and will continue until early November. Primary 4 and Primary 5 children will move in to the adjacent building on the first day in August. The building will be fully “kitted out” with furniture etc and internally there will be new carpets, blinds and painting will also take place during the holiday period. P4 and P5 pupils should assemble in the ‘ junior school ’ playground on the first day back in August. The children will be dismissed at the end of the day at 3.10pm as usual; however, any children who have younger brothers or sisters or who go home by school bus will be escorted down to the main playground at 3.05pm to meet them or to catch their buses. Further information will follow separately.

First Communion

We celebrated First Communion in our local parishes during the month of May. Congratulations and thanks to all of our families and parish communities. The celebrations were very moving and extremely prayerful. Thanks to the PSA for funding the certificates and the celebration cakes for the Primary 4 children and the choir who sang beautifully at the Masses. Thanks also to Mrs Baird and Mrs Collins who led May devotions during lunchtimes.


Again congratulations to the children in P7 who were confirmed during the month of April in St Vincent’s, Holy Name and St Mirin’s Cathedral. The children prepared well and celebrated the sacrament with sponsors and family members, a significant milestone in the children’s continuing faith formation. I have no doubt this will continue and deepen as they progress through St Ninian’s High School. The Primary 7 pupils are now more than ready to progress to high school and they have certainly enjoyed a very full programme of activities during this final term and indeed year in primary school. We wish them well for the future.


Mrs Wright coordinated the cycling proficiency training for P6 pupils once again and coordinated a large staff team to train the pupils. For the first time this year the training took place both in the school playground and out on the local roads. The children should be more aware of how to conduct themselves while cycling in the local area and will undergo their assessment on Monday 23rd June. Many thanks to everyone in undertaking what is actually a mammoth operation.

Health Week

Thanks to all of the parent volunteers who visited the school during our recent Health Week and shared their skills, talents and professional expertise with the children. Thanks also to Mrs Cochrane PT who organised our Health Week.

The Parent Council intend through a sub-committee to continue to promote healthy choices with regard to food and nutrition, healthy snacks and tuck in the new session, in tandem with the Pupil Health Committee and staff as part of the Health and Wellbeing agenda on our School Improvement Plan. With this in mind we have uploaded a government information leaflet regarding healthy snack and packed lunches onto the school website for your information.

Summer Fete and Matthew Carney Memorial Trophy

Sincere thanks to everyone who played their part in ensuring that our annual Summer Fete, which took place last Saturday, was a great success despite the adverse weather. Our Parent Staff Association prepared well in advance in organising stalls, activities and helpers. A very big thanks to Joe Shaw the Chairperson and his team of volunteers not only for the Summer Fete but for all of the events that they have organised during yet another very busy year for the PSA. Many thousands of pounds raised have been used to fund a wide range of ventures for which the staff of the school are extremely grateful.

New members of the PSA are always welcome. Please come along to the AGM on Tuesday 2nd September to volunteer your services and get more involved.

The Matthew Carney Memorial football tournament also took place last Saturday thanks to Paul MacConnell for coordinating the event which saw 13 teams competing from our own and a range of local schools. St Fillan’s Primary won the tournament and Sally Smart was awarded the Matthew Carney Trophy for outstanding talent and contribution to our own P7 team.

  Continue reading June Newsletter

Leavers’ Mass – Leavers’ Ceilidh

Leavers’ Mass – St Joseph’s Church –  Tuesday 17th  June – 7pm

  • Children should wear shirt and tie
  • Children should be seated by 6.50pm
  • The children will sit in the first 10 rows on the right hand side of the church. Parents and families are welcome to sit anywhere else.
  • At the end of Mass the children will be presented with a gift from the PSA

Leaver’s Ceilidh – Monday 23rd June  – 7pm – 9pm

  • Children should come at 6.45pm to be piped into the hall.
  • Parents should stay in Mensa and form a Guard of Honour.
  • Parents should return at 9pm when the children will sing their songs of farewell.
  • The Year Book and a DVD of their adventures at Ardentinny will be on sale after the ceilidh at a cost of £5 in the Mensa.

Cashless CafeteriaAll leavers should please remember to spend all reaming monies on their cashless catering card. If they have a balance of £5 or over they can move the money to an account belonging to their brother/sister. They should tell their teacher if they wish to do this

Sports Day – Thursday 19th June

Primaries   1  –  4
P1& P2 – 9.30
P3 & P4 – 11.00
Primaries  5  –  7 – 1pm 
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 19th
Children should come to school dressed in P.E. kit, ready for Sports Day.  No football tops please 
We would encourage children to wear house colours
If it rains heavily on Wednesday evening or Thursday morning, Sports Day will be moved indoors and unfortunately there will be no room for spectators
Please check the school website/twitter from 8.30am onwards
There will be no tuck shop at the sports field however the PSA will provide ice-cream in school after the races
Children should bring their water bottle into school
Adults – Please bring a folding seat if you require to sit

Used blazer and uniform sale


19 June 2014 – 6pm – 7.30pm – in the Mensa

How does it work?

You donate, we sell! With blazers, you can keep the proceeds or donate them for school funds.  Proceeds from all other uniform items go to the school. A great bargain for buyers either way!  Larger blazers are particularly helpful.

How do I donate?

Blazers / uniform should be

  • handed into the school office by lunchtime on the 18th June
  • in good condition.


Blazers: please put a note with your donation to confirm approximate size (as this is difficult to tell from labelling). If you want to keep the sale proceeds, you must also fill in our form – the school office has copies  or you can print off the attachment to this email (it’s also on the school web site). IF YOU HAND IN A BLAZER WITHOUT A FORM WE WILL ASSUME IT HAS BEEN DONATED FOR SCHOOL FUNDS.

What will things cost?

Most blazers sold for £10-£20 last year depending on condition. Clothing depended on quality and condition but still a fraction of the usual cost. Items in less good condition may be given away on the night. Leftover items will be kept for the next sale (if in v good condition) or donated for charity recycling. Thanks for your support!

 Contact olm-parentcouncil@hotmail.com  or 07810 541250 with queries. Our Lady of the Missions Parent Council

Please follow link below to print off form only if you wish to keep the price of your blazer rather than donating to school funds

blazer form for sales 2014

Summer Fete

Many thanks to our Parent Staff Association for organising and running a very successful Fete on Saturday and thank you to everyone who turned out to support the school, despite the weather!

We will inform you when the total amount raised has been confirmed.

School Fete Saturday 7th June 1pm – 3.30pm

Nearly there for our Fete this Saturday but we still need help with donations of items for the stalls and offers of help on the day.


Teddies/Soft Toys Washed and in good condition!!

Toys – in good condition and any boxed games well sealed;

Children’s books (no adult books this year);

Tombola gifts and gift bags of any shape and size or celebration theme. Gifts can include new toys, jewellery, toiletries, etc

Bottles – Wine, beer, juice, tomato ketchup or conditioner – any bottle much appreciated

Home baking – always a popular stall so let’s see lots of cup cakes, gingerbreads, shortbreads, scones, traybakes and other goodies

Donations can be handed in to the school any time from now onwards, with home baking on Friday, 6th June (when the school will be open until 8pm) or from 11am on Saturday, June 7th

The fete is a great opportunity to come and join in for as much or as little time as possible. We will need helpers from 3pm on the Friday afternoon to set up and then from noon on the Saturday.
So, if you can spare a few hours please call or text on the numbers below – all help is needed and appreciated.
Joe Shaw – 07813 015742,
Joanne Miller – 07865 078517 or
Cath Gallagher – 07960 905306

Health Week – Monday 19th May – Wednesday 21st May

Next week is our annual Health Week in the school.  A number of activities have been planned including cookery demonstrations, electrical safety talks, a visit from a farmer and the “Riderz Stunt Team” to name just a few.  It would be very helpful if your child had their P.E kit and a full water bottle at school on these days. Continue reading Health Week – Monday 19th May – Wednesday 21st May

‘Give Me Cycle Space’ The Riderz

East Renfrewshire is backing the nationwide Give Me Cycle Space campaign and as part of the programme, primary pupils have been treated to a stunning display of riding from one of the country’s top stunt teams.
We are delighted the Give Me Cycle Space campaign and The Riderz have been visiting East Renfrewshire, not only to pass on sound safety advice but also to entertain the young people with daredevil cycle stunts.”
The RIDERZ will be visiting our school on Tuesday 20th May and we ask that ALL the children in Primary 6 who are taking part in BIKEABILTY bring their bikes to school on that day.