Tag Archives: information

National Parent Forum of Scotland – Careers Education Scotland

The National Parent Forum of Scotland has been working with Skills Development Scotland as part of the programme of work underway in Developing the Young Workforce. They have produced some tailored information for parents, as part of the successful “in a nutshell” series, which covers the new Careers Education Standard launched at SLF 2015. The link to the nutshell on the NPFS website is  http://www.npfs.org.uk/career-education-a-world-of-possibilities/

World of Work Week

World of Work Week – Week Beginning 14th March 2016

 This term we will be holding our first World of Work Week: Monday 14th – Friday 18th March.  The children will be taking part in a variety of activities to help them learn about employment.  If any parent is able to offer time to come into the school to help children learn about different professions please phone the school office. It would be great to be able to offer the children as many engaging opportunities as possible throughout the course of the week.

World of Work Week Letter

Holy Name – Sacramental Meeting

Thursday 21st January 2016
Sacramental Meeting
Father Jim Burke will meet with all parents at 7pm in Holy Name on Thursday 21st January 2016.  He will explain the arrangements for the year ahead as well as offering some Sacramental instruction at an adult level. The children should not attend this meeting. It is important that every child is represented by at least one parent.

Primary 7

St Ninian’s Cluster Ceilidh
St Ninian’s Cluster Working Visits
Stage Mass
Burns Supper
This term is a very busy and exciting time for our Primary 7 pupils. We were so delighted with the children’s efforts before Christmas in their fundraising enterprises for our Advent charities. It has been straight back into work and preparations for High School and the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Primary 7 children will be taking part in the ‘Cluster Ceilidh’ in St Ninian’s High School on Thursday 14th January from 1pm-2.30pm. We shall have an early lunch from 11.55am – 12.50pm and then walk through Eastwood Park to St Ninian’s accompanied by members of staff. Full P.E. kit should be brought to school on the day and appropriate outdoor clothing for walking to/from St Ninian’s. They should also bring a bottle of water with them.
St Ninian’s Cluster Visit Arrangements
The pupils will visit 3 departments in St Ninians:-
Design & Technology, Science and Art & Design as part of the Cluster Working Partnership.
Each class will visit on four occasions offering them 12 teaching slots.
Primary 7a and 7b – 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th February 2016
Primary 7c and 7d – 3rd, 17th, 24th and 31st March 2016.

  • The pupils will attend classes periods 2, 3 and 4 so we shall walk through Eastwood Park to arrive in St Ninian’s by 9.30am and will depart at 12.20pm except for the last visit.
  • On the fourth visit pupils will stay in the school for lunch (there will be the opportunity for pupils to purchase a school meal for £2.00 however, if they prefer they may bring a packed lunch). After lunch they will be given a short presentation about starting High School and then a tour of the school, their visit will end in a spiritual service. They will depart for Primary School at 2.20pm.
  • We shall have a full day visit to St Ninian’s in the summer term, details to follow.

Scotland Street School Museum – P6

Primary 6a and 6b Thursday 14th January 2016
Primary 6c and 6d Tuesday 19th January 2016

As part of their Social Studies programme, we have arranged a visit to Scotland Street School Museum, where the children will get the opportunity to visit period classrooms and will experience a Victorian Classroom Re-enactment. The session will also explore traditional playground games and compare old toys with those of today. A tour of the museum is also included.
We shall leave the school at 9.15am and return at 3.00pm approximately.
The cost of the trip is £4.00 which will go towards the cost of the workshop and part of the transport, the remainder being subsidised by school funds. There is a small gift shop at the venue; if you wish your child to buy a souvenir we would recommend a maximum of £2.00.

  • School uniform to be worn
  • Packed lunch required
    We shall use the emergency information provided on the Medical Consent form submitted at the start of the year.  Please inform school of any changes.

Scots Language – January 2016

Over the month of January, leading up to Burns Day and embracing the ‘National Drive to Keep Scots Language Alive,’ the children will be studying Scots Language through various aspects of the Curriculum for Excellence.   If any parents / grandparents have an interest in Scots and would like to volunteer to come in and help in school please contact the school office and ask to speak to Maureen Cumming.

Primary 7 Christmas Enterprise Day

What a great day! Our sincere thanks to Primary 7 and all staff who helped make this such a huge success.   Over £4000 was raised, with more still to be added! The Charities which will benefit from this amazing amount are – Mary’s Meals, Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice, SCIAF (refugee crisis), Shelter, Lasallian Developing World Projects and CLIC Sargent (cancer charity for children and young people). Of course this would not be possible without the continuous support of our Parents / Carers . Thank you.


Christmas Enterprise

Christmas Enterprise day is Thursday 10th December. This is a non uniform day (Christmas jumpers optional).  Primary 7 have been working very hard to bring a lot of fun and games to all  classes.  Lots of stalls to spend their money on – hand made gifts, raffles, tombola,  games and much more. All money raised will go to our Advent Charities.  Please support the P7’s on this day to help them raise as much money as possible for our charities.