Category Archives: News

RCAG Youth

RCAG Youth, wanted to let you know about a new event that we are launching called ‘FORMED’.

FORMED is a monthly event for young people in P7 – S4. This event will be fun and engaging as the youth learn more about their faith, delve deeper into prayer and meet new friends. There will of course be pizza involved! 1630 – 1900, First Friday’s (beginning 5th October) in Eyre Hall, G1 4JY.
This is a fantastic opportunity for your young people to come together, encounter Christ and His Church and find fellowship with one another, all while having fun!
You can find more details on the attached flyer or on our website:


Parents Evenings 24th & 25th October 2018

Dear Parent/Carer
Online Appointment Booking System

I would like to invite you to attend our Parents’ Evening on either Wednesday 24th October or Thursday 25th October to discuss your child’s progress.  The school uses an online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments.

Appointments can be made from Tuesday 2nd October from 7pm and will close on Sunday 21st October at 11.55pm.  If you do not make an appointment online by this date, the school will allocate you an appointment from times that are left and notify you of this. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the school office who will be happy to add appointments on your behalf.

If your child receives additional input from another member of teaching staff, they will be also available on the system to book appointments with on these evenings.

Please visit to book your appointments. Please find attached a parent guide for booking system.


Complete using the surname and forename of whoever is registered with the school as the main parent/carer and then Login with the following information:

Student’s First Name:             Student’s Surname:                                    Student’s Date of birth.

Yours sincerely
Catherine Dillon-Ruddy
Head Teacher

Reminder: AGMs for Parent Council and PSA – tomorrow Thursday 13th September

Hope to see as many as possible tomorrow in the junior department – come to either or both! The PSA AGM is at 6.30 and Parent Council at 7.30. Please note the Lockerbie Manor meeting should be finished in time to attend the PSA meeting if you wish to attend both (or come late rather than miss it!

See more details here:

OLM Parent Council and OLM PSA