All posts by Mrs Cumming

Entry to school in the morning when it is raining

Pupils in the main school may enter the school at 8.40 when it is raining.  We ask that parents / guardians do not accompany their children into the mensa area as it is too congested.  Members of the management team will be there to supervise pupils.

Pupils in the junior department can also enter the school via the junior department main door at 8.40.  Pupils should wait in the porch area until instructed to move by a member of staff.  Again pupils will be supervised during this time.

Rosary Prayer Group – 5th/12th/26th October at 8.30am in Junior Department Hall

During the month of October, a time in the Liturgical Calendar when we think about Our Lady, we plan to run our Rosary Prayer Group.  The group will run for 3 Wednesdays in October (5th/12th/26th) at 8.30am in the Junior Building Hall.

Children, accompanied by their parents are welcome to attend along with staff and members of our parish community.

The prayer time will involve a recitation of the Rosary, a short reflection and will be followed by light refreshments.


Minute taker needed for Parent Council meetings – can you help?

The Parent Council is looking for someone to take minutes of meetings which take place roughly every 6 to 8 weeks. Can you help? Previous minutes can be found on the school web site if you want to see what is required. Essentially, this means attending the meeting; taking notes; typing up the minutes based on those notes and sending them on to the Chair / Head Teacher. A small payment can be made (averaging around £30 per meeting) though if you join the Parent Council this year, it is not possible to be paid due to applicable regulations.

This year’s meetings will take place on the following dates (note the first meeting is this Thursday):

15th September (combined with AGM)
27th Oct
8th Dec
26th Jan
16th Mar
18th May
22nd Jun

If you think you could help for some or all of the meetings, please contact Gillian on

Many thanks

Our Lady of the Missions Parent Council


Reminder – Parent Council AGM – Thursday 15th September at 7pm in school

We look forward to seeing a many as possible for our meeting and AGM on Thursday.  All parents / carers are welcome. We will be discussing the ERC consultation on changes to admission procedures and then will hold our AGM. Please note the AGM is the only chance to join the Parent Council this year and become a full voting members though parents / carers are welcome to attend any meeting.

For those new to the school, the Parent Council represents the views of parents/ carers in relation to matters affecting the school. In the last few years, we have worked with the school on issues such as traffic, uniform, capacity and communication and hope to have a constructive (and busy) year again this year.

Hope to see you on Thursday.

Our Lady of the Missions Parent Council

Refugee Aid Appeal – St Joseph’s Church

Collection for Syrian Refugees on the Greek Island of Samos. Looking for toiletries: Nappies (Size 3 upwards), baby wipes, nappy cream, soap bars, baby shampoo, talcum powder, hair combs, hand sanitiser, sun cream (SPF 30+), tissues, body lotion, face cloths and towels. Clothes/shoes for: children, teenagers, men and women.
Men’s clothes are required urgently (S/M). As most of the refugees are Muslim, the clothing required for woman needs to be modest. Clothes need to be in good condition; no stains or rips. Baby strollers are also required. Please bring donated items to the hall before/after Masses on the following dates 10th-11th and 17th-18th September. For further info please contact Fiona Hamilton 07834531632.