Minute taker needed for Parent Council meetings – can you help?

The Parent Council is looking for someone to take minutes of meetings which take place roughly every 6 to 8 weeks. Can you help? Previous minutes can be found on the school web site if you want to see what is required. Essentially, this means attending the meeting; taking notes; typing up the minutes based on those notes and sending them on to the Chair / Head Teacher. A small payment can be made (averaging around £30 per meeting) though if you join the Parent Council this year, it is not possible to be paid due to applicable regulations.

This year’s meetings will take place on the following dates (note the first meeting is this Thursday):

15th September (combined with AGM)
27th Oct
8th Dec
26th Jan
16th Mar
18th May
22nd Jun

If you think you could help for some or all of the meetings, please contact Gillian on olm-parentcouncil@hotmail.com

Many thanks

Our Lady of the Missions Parent Council