Primary 4/5- ‘Learn a Skill’ afternoons

During this term, Primary 4 and 5 will take part in ‘Learn a skill’ afternoons every Tuesday. Children have been allocated into mixed groups  from across the four classes in their year group depending on which activity they selected. The options were:

P4- Origami, Cookery/baking, Technology, ICT/graphics/making a comic strip

P5- Model making, Zumba, Arts and crafts and Music making.

We were pleased to be able to offer most children either their first or second choice.

The purpose of these afternoons is to facilitate personalisation and choice and challenge and enjoyment – some of the key principles of Curriculum for Excellence. The sessions also allow children to build up relationships with their peers from other classes, as well staff, whilst developing a range of new skills! Feedback from the first P4 sessions has already been extremely positive and photographs from all groups will be posted here and on twitter over the coming weeks. We are confident that your children will find these sessions rewarding and enjoyable.


Sacrament of Reconciliation

Primary 4 children will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on the following dates:

St Joseph’s Parish – Thursday 12th March

St Vincent’s Parish either Monday 16th March and/or Wednesday 18th (to be confirmed by Fr Hill depending on numbers)

Holy Name Parish- Thursday 19th March


Malawi Fundraising Disco

Jack Burns- a former pupil who now attends St Ninian’s, is organising a disco to raise funds for Malawi, where he will visit soon to work.

The disco is for primary school aged children and will take place on Friday 13th February between 6 and 8pm in St Joseph’s Church Hall.

£5 per ticket. For more information or tickets please contact Pauline Burns on 07905 574 406