Parent Staff Association

Dear Parents, Carers and Staff                              30th August 2013

I would like to invite you to consider joining the Our Lady of the Missions PSA monthly lottery draw if you have not already done so.

This is a fundraising activity which contributes towards the funds raised by the PSA. The monthly draws take place at PSA meetings which are usually on the first Tuesday of each month. There are two prizes each month: £50 and £25.  There is also a £100 special prize draw which takes place each year at the Summer Fete.

 If you would like to take part, all you have to do is return the tear off slip below with your one off payment of £12 for the school year 2013-2014. Continue reading Parent Staff Association

Primary 1c

Primary 1c are using number fans to show the number before and after. They are so clever that they are now beginning to learn about odd and even numbers.



How clever are they?

They are learning to identify and write the number four.


Jolly Phonics is a programme that is used in Primary 1 to help the children learn their sounds. It is interactive and engaging. Today’s letter was the letter ‘n’


We welcomed  Snappy the Crococilde who told us all about the importance of brushing our teach.  We learned that we have to open our mouth wide and not eat too many sugary sweets. We also learned what direction to brush our teeth in.  Just ask us and we will show you!




The playground games are great and we were shown how to use the climbing wall safely and take turns on the train.



In the playground we are very responsible and are learning how to line up properly and care for each other. 

  Oh what stars!

cashless lunch sytem

 East Renfrewshire Council has recently introduced a cashless lunch system. It has been a great success here at Our Lady of the Missions. Pupils are reporting reduced queuing times and catering staff have noted a significant increase in the uptake of school meals.
Your child has been allocated an identification number (pin) and you will also need to know your child’s Scottish Candidate Number (SCN). These numbers are given below.
Making Payments
We would like to take this opportunity to explain the methods of payment.
Pupils can bring a desired amount of lunch or tuck money to school and pay this into the Revaluation Machine.  This can be paid daily or can be a pre-payment of your choice. It is often more advantageous for your child to have their account preloaded with a larger amount as the credit can then last them for a longer period of time  If sending cash to be loaded the machine can only accept 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 coins, £2 coins or notes. The machine does not accept 5p coins or bronze.
When making an online payment the number to be used is the 8 or 9 digit number e.g. 13578492 (do not prefix it with SCN: number only). Please remember to include your child’s name when making an online payment. Our preferred method of payment is online.
The 4 digit pin number is used when the pupils are paying cash into the Revaluation Machine outside the office. We have a record in the office of every child’s PIN number.
Children can check their balance at the Revaluation Machine using PIN number
 If your child is absent the money will still be kept on the system, they will not lose their money.
Parents/Carers can make payment on line via the Payment4Schools system.  This can found on ERC home page “Online Services” or via the link on the school website.  If you do not have access to a computer to make online payments, Customer First at ERC Headquarters can help – 577 3008.
Free School Meals
Pupils receiving free school meals will be automatically allocated £1.95 per day for their lunch.  This will be added onto the system at 11am each day. Should your child be absent from school their £1.95 free meal allocation will be removed from the system.  This means your child cannot build up their free meal allocation during a period of absence. This free meal allocation does not apply to tuck shop.
Lost Lunch Money
Credit of £1.95 will be given if a child has lost or forgets money.  The school office staff will issue a “virtual voucher” for £1.95. This must be paid back into your child’s account via the web or the machine as soon as possible.


Dear Parents,
It is time for the pupils of P1 to have the opportunity of having a school lunch in the canteen. To ease their transition into this and to allow you the chance to view this process in operation I would like to extend an invitation for you to join your child for lunch in our Lunch Hall. The arrangements are as follows:
P1A                 Tuesday 3rd September
P1B                 Thursday 5th September
P1C                 Monday 9th September
P1D                 Tuesday 10th September 
Please arrive at the school at 12 o’clock and assemble in the Mensa where your child will join you for lunch. Your child’s SCN Number/Pin and the procedure for paying for lunch is explained in the attached letter.
I look forward to seeing you for lunch!
Josephine McGrotty DHT

P5, P6 & P7 St Vincent’s Church Friday 6th September

As part of our Feast Day celebrations, Primaries 5, 6 and 7 will be attending Mass in St. Vincent’s Church Thornliebank.
The children will leave the school at 9.30am, walk to St. Vincent’s and return at 11.00am.
Full school uniform to be worn
Appropriate outdoor clothing for the weather
You should have already completed a Medical Consent Form and we shall use that for all visits out of school this year. If you have not returned it to school please do so as soon as possible. A copy can be found on the school website.
Any parent with an East Renfrewshire Disclosure Scotland Certificate, who would like to accompany us, please complete the tear off slip below and return to school as soon as possible.

Primary 5 Cricket: St Ninian’s High School

As part of the Active Schools Programme, primary 5 pupils will be going to St Ninian’s High School for Cricket.

  • Dates:   5a     Monday 2nd September : 5b and 5c   Monday 9th September; 5d   Tuesday 10th September
  • Time: Leaving school at 9.10 to go to St. Ninian’s and leaving St. Ninian’s at 10.15
  • The sports will be indoors
  • Children should bring a PE kit that day
  • Children will walk to and from St Ninian’s High School accompanied by members of staff
  • Please ensure that children bring appropriate clothing for bad weather (waterproofs, jackets, jumpers etc).  .
  • Any parent with East Renfrewshire Disclosure Scotland who would like to accompany us, please tick the box and return the tear off slip ONLY IF YOU ARE ABLE TO ASSIST

Primary 7b ‘Wellbeing Wheel”

Primary 7b, Mr Docherty’s class, worked co-operatively to create their own ‘Wellbeing Wheel’. They discussed what makes them feel; ‘Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included.  In doing this they realised how important it is to work together as a school community to make sure that Our Lady of the Missions Primary continues to be a happy and healthy school!


Parent Staff Association (PSA) 2013/2014

The PSA would like to welcome you back for another school year which promises to be a very exciting one as the transition to a larger campus gathers pace. We are here, as always, to promote a community spirit within the school, with a chance for parents to get together at various social events. We also raise funds to provide extra activities for the children. These include subsidising school buses for trips, science festivals, Christmas parties, First Communions and P7 leavers’ events! Continue reading Parent Staff Association (PSA) 2013/2014


Primary 7 is always a busy year and we are getting off to a flying start with several visits out of school!

Next Tuesday 20th August, we shall walk across to Eastwood Park Theatre to attend a “Meet the Author” Edinburgh Book Festival Outreach event at 2.00pm. The author is Joseph Delaney who has written a series of “Spooks” books. There is no charge for this event; however Mr Delaney will be signing copies of his books priced at £4.50. More information can be found on his website, Continue reading EASTWOOD PARK THEATRE SAFETY in the PARK PROVOST’S DEBATE

Sports and Dance Showcase P4-S2

Join us to celebrate 1 year to go until the Commonwealth Games on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 August

Moring Block Ref: SATAM; Sun AM
Registration: 9am-9.30am
Sessions start: 9.30am
Sessions finish: 12 noon

Afternoon block Ref: SAT PM; SUN PM
Registration: 1.30-2pm
Session start: 2pm
Session finish 4.30pm

P4-S2 pupils are invited to participate in a morning or afternoon of sport and dance activities held at the NEW Eastwood High Sports Centre.

 All sessions are FREE and children will take part in 5 different activities delivered by local club coaches.

 Try a new sport and meet club coaches who will provide information on their club and membership opportunities.

 Local athletes will be there to speak to children about their experiences in sport, inspiring the next generation.

 Places are limited so please contact 0141 577 3008 to book your place on one of the slots either morning or afternoon across Saturday 24thand Sunday 25th August. Please quote the reference for the session you wish to attend.