Newsletter August 2013

Our Primary 1 pupils have certainly settled well to their first taste of school life. Our senior pupils in Primary 7 are thoroughly enjoying their roles as buddies and monitors!
We look forward to a very productive, successful and happy session 2013-14 and encourage all parents to take a full and active part in the life of our school.

You may remember that we had a “Come As you Please Day” on the last day of term. This raised £500 which Miss Sweeney, P4b took directly to the Good Life Orphanage in Kenya.
Miss Sweeney spent 3 weeks working as a volunteer in the orphanage which cares for 60 children ranging from 1 year old to 17 years old. With the money raised, the children were given some items of clothing for the start of the new school year, as well as pencils and paper for school.  All the children and staff of the orphanage were able to go on a day trip to historical ruins and to the beach.  This had never been done before due to the expense. Some children had never left the orphanage so it was a rare treat and made the children extremely happy!  Thanks to all parents for your generosity and support.  As you can see, your money went a long way in Kenya.

Congratulations to Miss Cardosi who was married during the summer holidays and is now Mrs Dissanaike. We are delighted to welcome our two newly qualified teachers Miss Gemma Carroll and Miss Ann Marie Kelly to our school. We also welcome Mrs Ann Munoz as a new pupil support assistant.

 School Feast Day
We will attend Mass in St. Vincent’s Church on Friday 6th September for primaries 5, 6 and 7 pupils to mark the Feast of Our Lady’s Birthday (8th Sept). Prayer services will also be conducted for the younger pupils, to mark the patronage of our school and to dedicate the coming year to the intercession of Our Lady of the Missions. This year, we have planned a series of Stage Masses with Fr. Jim. These will take place in the school hall on a Thursday afternoon and parents will be welcome to join us. Dates will be sent home shortly.

 Meet the Teacher Evening – Wednesday 4th September 6.00pm – 7.00pm
We propose to open the doors of the school on the evening of the 4th September and cordially invite you to visit the school. This will be an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher and gain information about the programme for the year ahead. You can also look around the school and visit other classes. Parent Council and PSA members will be available too.

 Head Teacher’s Surgery     First Monday of the month 3.30pm – 5.00pm
If you would like to take up the opportunity to ‘drop in’ for an informal chat with me, I would be delighted to meet with you on the first Monday of each month.
Of course, please do not hesitate to contact the school about any matters concerning your child’s education and/or wellbeing. Telephone 0141 570 7280
Your first point of contact should be the Depute Head Teachers;

                                    For P1- P3, please contact Mrs McGrotty DHT

                                    For P4- P5, please contact Mrs Devlin DHT

                                    For P6- P7, please contact Mrs Dowling DHT

If you wish to inform us of appointments etc in school time, please send a note to the class teacher.

 Cashless Catering
We have been informed that there has been an increase in the price of school lunches: £1.95 for a hot lunch and £1.80 for a cold lunch. Children can top up their accounts first thing in the morning when they arrive at school, from 8.40 – 8.55am or at interval. Parents are welcome to pop in and top up accounts around 9am or at the end of the school day. Alternatively topping up online using your child’s Scottish Candidate number previously issued is preferable as it reduces congestion each morning.  Last session there was a significant number of pupils who regularly came to school without money for their lunch. We would hope that this number would remain low from day to day as it causes additional administrative burdens on the school. Pupils whose balance falls below £1.95 or who forget money will be issued with a “virtual voucher” and sent a text message by the staff in the school office. This money ‘loan’ should be returned to your child’s account the following day, in order to balance the books.

Parent Staff Association AGM Tuesday 3rd September 7.30pm
I look forward to welcoming you into school for the Annual General Meeting of our PSA. All parents and staff are automatically members of the PSA and this meeting gives an opportunity to meet up with other parents and look back on a very successful year. I extend a particularly warm welcome to all our new parents. Please come along, find out about all the fundraising and social events and think about joining the committee. Meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month in the staffroom at 7.15pm. If you cannot make a monthly commitment then perhaps you could help at our Christmas Fayre and Summer Fete?

The AGM will conclude with wine and nibbles. Reminder to existing committee members that there will be a meeting at 7.00pm immediately before the AGM.

Ardentinny Parents’ Meeting Wednesday 11th September 6.30pm
We would like to invite the parents and pupils of P7 to a short information meeting regarding the forthcoming educational visit to Ardentinny. The meeting will take place here in the school on Wednesday 11th September from 6.30pm until 7.30pm. Mrs Dowling DHT and staff will give a presentation and answer questions in readiness for the annual five day outdoor educational experience.

 Parent Council AGM – Thursday 19th September 7.00pm
The Annual General Meeting of the Parent Council will take place here in the school on Thursday 19th September at 7.00pm. All parents are most welcome to attend. If you would like to become a member of the Parent Council then this is done by self nomination at the AGM. This is the only time each year that new members can join the Parent Council. The Parent Council constitution, newsletter and minutes can be accessed on the school website. The Council members work very hard on behalf of the school and the wider parent forum and last session the main focus was on issues regarding capacity, communication and safe parking. 

Parent Helpers with PVG (Protection of Vulnerable Groups)
We really appreciate the support of parent helpers when we take children out of school.  If you hold an East Renfrewshire/PVG Disclosure Certificate and are able to assist with school visits, either for your child’s class or other stages, please let the school know as we would like to update our list. Ideally, it would be very helpful to have a list of parents who could step in, with at least a week’s notice, to help at stages where we are short of volunteers.

End of School Day
I would ask that parents who wait at exit doors for their children stand back towards the perimeter fence to allow pupils and staff an easy passage to the school buses as time is of the essence. Thank you for your support and patience in this regard. We shall remind children at assemblies that they cannot run through the playground or onto the grass at this time, even though they are “free” of school!

Car Park and Bus Bays
There are 4 buses providing transport to and from the school which necessitates the use of both sides of the car park and the dropping off area on the bend in front of the school. The bus bays are necessary to enable buses to manoeuvre and I must advise you of the importance of not using them for car parking after 8.30am. We take road safety education very seriously and stress its importance to the children. I would therefore ask for your support in ensuring that children do not have to walk between cars which are double parked in front of the school. Please drive slowly in the school grounds. Cars should not be parked on pavements and impede pedestrians. Bays for disabled drivers should be respected as such. I would ask that drivers making use of the car parks adjacent to the pavilion and the all weather pitches ensure that you park with due care, attention and courtesy to other drivers and pedestrians in order to ensure the safe free flow of traffic both in the mornings and at the close of school. I hope that the spirit of cooperation and courtesy continues and that parents who bring children to school by car follow the guidelines suggested above. This will ensure the safety of pupils and visitors. Please make full use of the three designated car parks, two at the front and one at the rear of the school.

Change of Travelling Arrangements
In the interest of safety, I would ask parents to inform the school if your child’s travel arrangements for the homeward journey are to be changed for any reason. Children sometimes make their own “social arrangements” to the ultimate distress of all concerned, therefore unless the school is informed in writing or by telephone it will be assumed that usual arrangements apply.

Safety in the Park    Primary 7  Thursday 29th August
Primary 7 classes will take part in a series of workshops in Arthurlie House, Barrhead based on keeping safe. A range of topics will be covered; fire safety, strangers, alcohol and drug awareness and internet safety. This has become an annual event and is a very worthwhile visit.

Provost’s Debate  East Renfrewshire Debating Chamber
During the month of September, Primary 7 pupils will once again take part in lively debating sessions in the Council Chambers led by Provost Carmichael. The children will choose a topic and learn about debating protocol and council procedures.

 Vocations Mass Monday 16th September 7.00pm St. Mirin’s Cathedral Paisley
The annual Vocations Mass is always a wonderful occasion. The music is led by the Diocesan Choir and many of the schools in the diocese are represented with coach loads of senior pupils attending and primary children going along with their families. It is quite a late night but I would be delighted to see our older pupils there. A separate invitation will be sent home nearer the time.

Annual Data Check
In order to update our records Annual Data Check forms will be sent out to P1 – P7 classes this week. Please check and return to the school as soon as possible. It is important that we have all current contact numbers for your child. An update on any change to medical conditions, allergies etc, is also required. We intend to make use of text and e-mail more regularly this session and therefore it is crucial that we have a current mobile number and e-mail address for every family and that the office is informed of any changes during the course of the year.

During the course of the school year photographs and videos of children taken by staff can be used to promote and enhance the ethos and achievements of the school, e.g. photographs may be used in displays around the school and in our school handbook and website. Children and staff can at times figure in these pictures and should you have any objection to this I would ask that you put your objection in writing.

Health Promoting School
In addition to fresh fruit sold in the dining hall, fruit is now given free to all pupils on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please encourage your children to take this fruit. Fresh water is also available from our filtered drinking fountains and pupils are encouraged to drink regularly throughout the day. Pupils require to bring a bottle/ flask for this purpose.

Physical Education
This year, every child in the school will receive blocks of PE per week totalling 2 hours. One block will take place in the gym hall and the others in the playground or in Woodfarm Pavilion adjacent to the school. PE is a compulsory and important aspect of our curriculum. It is also a key vehicle by which the Scottish Government wishes to improve the health of Scottish children. On PE days, children should come to school with a full PE kit – plain dark shorts, school polo shirt/plain T-shirt and trainers/sandshoes, in a gym bag.  As we progress through autumn and into the winter months, on the days in which the children are having PE outside, children should bring a plain dark track suit or joggers/sweatshirt (no football team colours).  On that note, I would like to remind you that all uniform items must be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Preferably a sewn or iron-on label but at least a handwritten name on the label. Already, a few items have become mixed up! If weather is inclement, Cyber Coaching will be substituted for outdoor PE. Cyber Coach can be accessed on your home computer by logging on to and using the email and password below.

Email Address:

Password: g467dd

Many of you, I know, will be aware of the increase in cases of Anaphylactic Shock, otherwise known as a severe, sometimes fatal, allergic reaction. At Our Lady of the Missions Primary School there are some children who have a peanut/nut allergy and we are aware of the danger which can occur if a child who has this allergy comes into contact with or eats nut based food of any kind, even peanut butter. Some children are affected even by the smell of anything which contains nut flavouring. We require to ensure that the school takes every precaution to assist children who have allergies. To help us with this task I am therefore writing to enlist your support by asking that you do not send your child into school with nuts or any food which contains nuts, and in so doing reduce the possibility of a potentially serious incident. Thank you in anticipation of your support.

Reminder from School Health:
If a child attends an Allergy Clinic or their GP regarding allergies and has been prescribed Piriton or an Epipen, could parents please inform the school and make sure medication is clearly labelled and in-date. The school should be provided with a list of allergies, signs and symptoms to look out for, doses and any changes to medication. Those who attend the Allergy Clinic at Yorkhill should receive a care plan which they can copy for the school. Instructions for staff to treat these children should an emergency occur, is a parental responsibility. School Nurses carry out annual training to staff.

If your child requires any medication during the course of the school day you must complete a consent/request pro-forma which will ensure that all medicines are administered safely. No child should be given medicine to take without the school having been informed. The form can be downloaded from the school website or obtained from the school office.

Medical Checks
The school nurse has asked me to remind parents that only P7 pupils receive vision checks by the School Health Team. There is therefore a long gap since their last check in nursery and many pupils by P7 require glasses. Parents are therefore advised to take their child to a local optician periodically, to avoid delay in treatment where required.

The East Renfrewshire curriculum website “curriculinks” which houses a wealth of information and activities covering all curricular areas can be accessed via and will allow parents to further enhance their children’s learning at home.

Our Lady of the Missions Website
A range of information concerning school life is now available via our school website and will be updated on a regular basis. Please access the website regularly and so keep informed of school events and successes in addition to new developments.

Glow is the name for the Scottish Schools Digital Network. The aim of Glow is to promote creative learning and teaching in the classroom by fully supporting the delivery of Curriculum for Excellence. Every child from Primary 2 to 7 has been given a username and password. P1s will be issued shortly. This means that Glow can be accessed at school and at home. There is now a Glow Pupil Only Site and each stage has a Glow Group. This will provide an excellent opportunity for children to showcase their work at different times throughout the year. There is also a calendar at each stage which will allow the children to keep abreast of forthcoming events. Primary 1 details will follow shortly. Further information about Glow is available at

Education City
Education City is an online resource which we use in school. This can be accessed at home and the programmes contain fun activities which reinforce in-school learning. Please see attached letter for further information.

School Football Teams
Once again many thanks to all of our dads who help coach our football teams from P1-P7. I would like to remind dads who are currently volunteers or who are considering taking up the challenge that PVG (Protection of Vulnerable Groups) approval is absolutely essential before any parent can begin working with children. I will communicate with all coaches with regard to gaining disclosure by separate letter.

September Weekend Holiday – Reminder
The school will close for pupils at the usual time on Thursday 26th September and re-open on Tuesday 1st October. The holiday schedule for the current session is located on the school website.
Thank you once again in anticipation of your continued support and encouragement for all that we do on behalf of your children