Parent Staff Association

Dear Parents, Carers and Staff                              30th August 2013

I would like to invite you to consider joining the Our Lady of the Missions PSA monthly lottery draw if you have not already done so.

This is a fundraising activity which contributes towards the funds raised by the PSA. The monthly draws take place at PSA meetings which are usually on the first Tuesday of each month. There are two prizes each month: £50 and £25.  There is also a £100 special prize draw which takes place each year at the Summer Fete.

 If you would like to take part, all you have to do is return the tear off slip below with your one off payment of £12 for the school year 2013-2014.

 Funds raised overall by the PSA support a wide variety of school activities such as transport for school outings, Christmas parties, Edinburgh Science Festival visits to the school, First Communion Certificates, trophy and medals for football tournaments and the purchase of stage equipment for the school – all thanks to the generosity of our school community.

 The OLM Lottery is open to all parents, grandparents, guardians and relatives of children as well as to staff members. If you need another form please let me know.

 If you renewed your membership in June for the year 2013-2014 we thank you very much for your continued support. 

 If you are not a member and would like to join or are a new parent to the school please complete the tear off slip below and return it to me via the school office, enclosing the payment of £12.  If you would like any more information please do not hesitate to contact me.

 Colette Carruthers

OLM Lottery Club Co-ordinator

Tel: 07740 986393

Name:             ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Address:          ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

 Name & Class of children at Our Lady of the Missions as at August 2013:


Please make cheques for £12 payable to “OLM PSA ”