Tag Archives: the school run

Planning future engagement – Tackling the School Run East Renfrewshire

For the last few months East Renfrewshire Council Roads & Transportation Department have been collecting information on school travel in the area and how streets and spaces nearby schools are being used during ‘the school run’. This is to assist developing long term plans on how we invite more walking and cycling, while discouraging car use, to help create safer and healthier school streets.

A key part of this work is how we engage with schools, stakeholders and the community moving forward. We would therefore like to invite you to one of a series of workshops planned during February to help shape future engagement efforts.

Please register you interest via links below and please share within your networks. The more people (of all ages!) that can get involved the better.

Upcoming Workshops

Tuesday 19 February:

Thursday 21 February:

If you have any questions or would like any further information please get in touch with myself or my colleague Ross McDowall via Roads@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk